
Wedding Day Stuff

So my sister's wedding went off beautifully. The night before, my mother rented out a suite in a hotel so that my sister, myself and three other bridesmaids could spend the night, and have a large enough space to get ready in the morning (there was no real bridal suite at the place of the ceremony...just a tiny tent). I had no idea we were staying at a hotel so I didn't pack my swim suit to go into the whirlpool, oh well. The suite had a king sized bed and a pull out couch. I shared the king bed with my sister and cousin (who is 8 and was the Jr. Bridesmaid and wasn't originally in the plans to spend the night, but she wanted to hang out with the big girls). Luckily the bed was big enough for us so we could all be comfortable without getting into each other's business. However, I woke up in the middle of the night to find my little cousin's arm partially wrapped around me. Apparently she usually sleeps in the same bed as her mom.

In the morning, we spent about 3 and a half hours getting hair and make up at the salon the groom's sister works at. Surprisingly, I didn't come out looking like a clown, much like I expected. We got back to the hotel to change. I had my mom help me into the corset and dress, which I fit into, much to my surprise. We didn't have much time to hang out because we had to make our way to the ceremony/reception area.

The weather was perfect (too sunny for the photographer, but who cares). I didn't cry, only time I felt like crying was from being nervous with so many people looking at me while I walked down the aisle. The flowergirl, even after I reminded her right before I left down the aisle, did not drop any flowers, except for one single petal right at the end.

The pastor made more religious references that I expected (or from what my sister said there would be ). But what do I expect from a man whose job it is to talk about God. I giggled a little when my sister started to weep while reciting her vows. Yes, I am an asshole.

I was also giggling because the flowergirl, who is also my cousin, kept on waving at people in the audience. Then she would turn and look at me and poke me in the legs and poke her sister (the Jr. Bridesmaid) in the back. One time a plane flew over, and she, in a some what loud voice, said to me, "A Plane!" She started to pick up petals that were blowing out of her basket during the ceremony, and last...right before she was walking back up the aisle, she took a header to the ground. In the process she dumped most of her petals. She stayed down for a few seconds, pondering whether or not to cry, when I helped her up and told her it was ok and to go quick. Overall, she almost stole the show. (Notice in the picture my armpit fat is folding over...yeah, did I mention I barely fit in that dress?)

The time between the ceremony and dinner was when the photographer took pictures of the bridal party, and the guest had a champagne hour. For the kids, my sister rented a cotton candy machine. Oh, but that didn't stop the adults from partaking in on the fun. It was very much my sister. One cousin on my dad's side, while eating his cotton candy, stated, "This is the best wedding ever!"

My maid of honor toast went well. I told the story about how my sister and the groom went to high school together but never interacted really, until they met again at a bar (heh) where she approached him (this is where my sister goes, "Nuh-uh, I was talking to random people and he just so happened to be there). Whatever. She liked what she saw, so she went ahead to go get it, and more power to her!

After toasts the ran a slideshow of pictures of the two of them (separately and together). They played some good songs while showing them, like "God Only Knows," by the Beach Boys...I love that song. There were some embarrassing pictures of my sister "modeling" as a pre-teen and there was one of me dressed up as an "Indian" as a kid....Boy, I don't know what I or my mom were thinking. The dinner itself was kind of meh to me. It might be that I didn't really eat a lot of it to care, but how could I eat when I felt like if I put anything into my body my dress would rip apart.

The rest of the night was filled with dancing, chatting, drinking (unfortunately, not by me) and more dancing, oh yeah and Crabby Reception Hall Owners who yell at Maid of Honors for trying to help clean up. Crabby old hag.

My sister and her hubby are now in Acapulco on their honeymoon and all I have left from the wedding are bruises left over from where my corset was rubbing against my love handles (or what I like to call "sex fat"). Good Times.

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