
A Bet I Lost

I went out Saturday night with my friends CM and Danielle. We started out at a bar called Bryant's, which I have always wanted to go to, but always ended up not being able to attend. Anyway that bar is cool, very laid back and had nice strong drinks.

Later on we went to this other bar because we thought we would run into some of Danielle's dental school friends, who we never ran into. This bar is the yuppiest bar that ever yuppied. I felt underdressed.

Anyway, it was here that Danielle told me that I was mean, or at least being mean that night. It is almost as if she had never gone out with me before. That is what I do. I set there with beer in hand while I make fun of everyone in eye sight (not to their face, because I am not that mean). A real world example of what I say:

"That dude is totally wearing a Cosby sweater."~~~This is mild in comparison to what I say.

Danielle made a bet with me that I could not go without saying something bad for 30 minutes. I was doing really good, partially because I was talking about how I wanted to go over and touch this one guys hair, because it was so pretty. He was rocking the hair that the guy from Heroes has. Mmmm, Professor Sex.

Then, a short man went walking past me (and if memory serves me, he was wearing a fug shirt too). I just let it slip. "That guy was tiny." I gave an "Oh shit!" face before CM told me she noticed him to but was going to wait for me to say something. I had to say 5 nice thing about people to pay Danielle back. Let me tell you, that is hard when you are in a bar full of douchebags.

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