
Oh yes its ladies night, and the feeling right

Wednesday nights apparently are "Ladies Night" at a bar that is down the street from where I live. Girls get three tokens good for three Miller or Rail drinks (please tip your bartender). Since I am poor and love me some free anything (especially alcohol) I was all about going out on a weekday when my friend called me.

Upon entering the establishment we were approached by a very nice looking young man. I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying because I was on my phone with my sister but I heard him say something about getting free beer, making it a total of five free drinks. When I came back I was informed he was the Bud/Michelob guy giving away free beer. Bonus! Now I don't like Bud, but as I stated before, I like free stuff. Especially free stuff from cute boys. Hell, I will take a free beer from an not-so-cute boy and engage in a small discussion before I....Oh look there's my friend *hurried run*

Normally in situations like this, the beer guy/girl walks away to get to the next person but this guy stayed right with us. Even through awkward silences where all of us didn't know what to say. I (an another girl that was with me and my friend) noticed that the Beer Guy kept on eyeing up my friend. So I actually got embarrassed for her (cute guy staring at you and you being completely oblivious to it), because I am always embarrassed for other people in this situation. I don't know why. I just am.

He ended up talking with our group the entire time he was there before he moved on to another bar in the area. This is when everyone informed my friend about Beer Guy sneaking a peek at her. Her reaction was along the line of "WTF? No. Really? Why oh why am I such a loser in these situations?" So what did our group do? Instead of cashing in on our free tokens, we totally went to the bar that the Beer Guy was at (which he just so happened to casually mention he was going to) because we are stalkers.

He noticed immediately that we were there and proceeded to give us more free beer. But because she was playing a game of darts, my friend didn't chat him up. Later I was giving her some good and corny lines to use on him. "So, is it a requirement to be really good looking for his job?"..."So when do you find time for yourself (or date)?" But she was not having it. Oh well, but he did end up with her number, because some two girls may have approached him about a cojoneless friend they had that wanted to give him her number. Boy blushes and takes number.

I must say, in conclusion, how impressed I am with Milwaukee in providing their quality Beer/liquor promo guys. They are always really really redonkulously good looking men that are very friendly AND give you free booze. What can get better than that? In Madison, they always had girls. Boo! But I would still take the free beer.

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