
My local Fox news affliate is moral and going to heaven

Here is why:

1). News story about why teenage girls dress too provocatively (I roll my eyes at what they think is provocative). How this leads to sexual behavior (I'm sure it has nothing to do with hormones mixed with curiousity and a dash of having no sexual education from teachers or parents). Anchor talks about how that type of dress distracts the teenage boys from learning. Um, ok. Yeah, those little girls..they are slutty and just asking for it. If I could, I would insert an icon that has rolling eyes.

2). Beyonce's new video (featuring current boyfriend Jay Z) is under fire for being too sexual. Haven't seen the entire video myself but the little snippet they showed looked harmless. I mean, I didn't see any dry humping. You can see much worse with people in other videos who are not couples in real life. These videos can usually be seen on BET late, late at night (from what I hear).

Is this story even worth airing? Oh wait, slow news night. They are also airing a story about a wax figurine being made in the likness of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. I hate the world we live in that this crap is newsworthy. (Please ignore the fact that I am even writing about it.)

3). Christina Aguilara's new album is going to be softer. Then the anchor says "This coming from someone who had a song called Dirrrty onan album called Stripped." Oh, X-Tina is soooooooo scandelous.

Some More Boy Band News.

Lance Bass of N'Sync is Gay. Gay, gay, gay. Apparently he is dating Reichen of "Reichen and Chip" on Amazing Race. I always thought that guy was cute. Nice catch Lance.

I don't know why this news is current. I remember finding out, well kind of finding out, while watching Kathy Griffen's "My Life on the D-list," or whatever that god-awful show is called. She was hanging out at her new house and invited her friends over. She was talking about how they were all gay. Then they showed her friends with a caption that read "Gay friends" and I sat there thinking, "That one dude looks like that guy from N'Sync." Yep, it was Lance. Even then, it didn't SHOCK me that he was gay. Not that I sat there trying to figure out who was gay in his band. I just genuinely didn't care to think about any of their sex lives, because I just didn't care.

Even though I didn't and still don't (I swear!) care, I love me some celebrity "gossip." I remember reading somewhere, once upon a time, that Lance dated that girl from"Boy Meets World." So I imdb-ed it and this is what it states currently:

"She use to date Lance Bass from *N Sync, but the constant time apart led to their break up. They are reportedly still friends."

That, and the fact that he liked men just like her. Well, here's to hoping that men can be openly gay while in boy bands and not have to cover it up to make sure that it does't "hurt" the band.

Oh, and I also hope Lance knows he is going to hell.


Visit These Websites!

www.wordorigins.org - While having a discussion with friends, the phrase "Indian Giver" came up. There was some confusion on why the statement was offensive and who it was referring to in particular. Myself, I never really understand the phrase either (Hey, I never said I was smart). So, I did what I always do: I googled it. By typing in the phrase "Indian Giver Origin" the first search result leads you to this site. Once I got my explanation of where the phrase came from (if your wondering...look it up yourself) I kept on perusing the site. I find etymology really fascinating. I know, I am a nerd. But I also like this site because it goes into folklore, false rumors and admits when it doesn't know.

My Cat Hates You - Funny site that shows the true evil side that lurks in all kitties. Here is what the site states in its "About" section:

"But there is another side to Cat, is there not? A side that harbors deep-seated, almost primal, resentment toward us and our gangly, pseudo-intelligent, simian ways. And what creature wouldn't? If someone treated YOU the way we treat THEM, you would hate too. The premise behind this site is just that; your cat, though soft, cuddly and sweet, could really do without the likes of you, and me."

I find this site funny for two reasons:

1. 75% of my cat-owning friends love to talk about how badass their cats are and/or how their cats hate everything.
2. I too hate people, so I can relate to the statements included with each hateful photo.

Here is an example and here is another good one.

---Do sudoku online! I have been wasting a lot of time online doing this.

--Has anyone seen the promotions for the new show on NBC called Heroes? I went to the official site and watched the trailers and read a little bit about the storyline, and it seems interesting. I think it is a show I could really get into but not tell anyone because I would be too embarrassed to admit that I like it.

Plus it has that little girl from Remember the Titans, who I thought was soooooooo adorable. I am surprised to see that she turned into a pretty teenager. She is at the age where formerly cute child stars turn into awkward to ugly looking washed-out has-beens. Oh, I am pretty sure that she is hiding more than one addiction as happens to almost all child stars, (Stephanie Tanner anyone?) but at least she is working and doesn't looked cracked/methed out.

Ok, I got nothing else.


Welcome to my life, tattoo!

When I got my first tattoo my dad found out, started to laugh and sang The Who's Tattoo. It was one of those, "I'm 18, so its time to get one," tattoos. I did take time to figure out what I wanted before I went in to get it. I was a little pissed that exactly what I wanted just happened to be on the wall of the shop.

When I got my second tattoo, my parents were supportive because it was simply three letters on my foot. They were only supportive because they were my grandmother's initials and thought it was a fitting tribute to her (she had past away a month prior).

On Monday I just got my third tattoo. I have been waiting about two years to get it done. The design of it was done by my friend Crystal. She couldn't even go with me to get it because she is all the way on the east coast now. It was my first time going all by myself. I felt like such a grown up, because normally I don't like going places by myself. Also, I like someone I know to be there with me while I go get the tattoo so they can distract me from the pain through conversation.

Only person that had an opinion this time around was my sister, whose exact words (upon finding out I was getting it and where I was planning on putting it-upper middle of my back-) were, "You couldn't wait until after my wedding?"Hee. At least I am still making my parents proud by putting my tattoos in places that can be hidden by work clothes. And I still look like a clean wholesome innocent woman that wouldn't dare have tattoos, because they are only for bikers and prostitutes.


Entire day of the 15th: So this is what hell feels like

Last Saturday my sister and her boy came up to visit me. I sat in my nice air conditioned apartment knowing it was sweltering outside, but still thought it was a great idea to go to Bastille Days, which is basically French fest in Milwaukee. Man, was that a bad idea. I seem to have forgot that my sister is allergic to sweat/heat/the sudden change from cool to hot. Her face was bright red and she kept on complaining. Luckily for her I found the fest to be boring so I didn't mind up leaving after an hour. The heat doesn't bother me too much. It is bothersome, but I know I won't die as long as I hydrate and not move that much.

We spent the next few hours at my apartment watching Love Actually (and I did a little sudoku). But then we became hungry. So I suggested the place with really good grilled cheese. Only, we found out once we got there that we had to sit outside because there was some kind of party going on (looked like a rather well-off family because they took up 3/4 of the bar, which is set nicely on the riverside). So we were sweating eating our dinner. The others may have not liked it, but I got my fancy grilled cheese so I didn't care.

Later on in the night, we went to go to my friend's CD release party/show. If you think you'd like bluegrass with a little amphetamine twist, take a look their website. The bar was air conditioned, but you would not have noticed. That bar area made the outside feel cool. We toughed it out as long as we could (two opening bands and 5ish songs of my friends band) before my sister wanted to leave. I heard that we missed my friend strip down naked later in the show. So thankful I missed that one.

I think my sister's boy was scared of the bar. So many scary tattooed smoking people. Heh.

Night of the 14th: Being really really ridiculously good looking: new friends you meet at bars

Last Friday night, I met up with my friend (same one from Seether night) to have a few drinks while she filled me in about all the happenings in her life that one week. My friends convince me to not drive home that night, and take a cab with them, so I can drink my to my heart's desire. I don't need much convincing (I know that 90% of my posting are/seem alcohol related, but I am not an alcoholic).

The Budweiser guys came around three time to hand out free beer to our table. While in the bathroom one of our fellow drinkers ran into a hair stylist and invited (?) her to come to our table. This stylist's friend was hilarious, but not in the intentional way. She was talking to Danielle and myself about how she and her friends have a hard time making friends with other girls, because they are so good looking. I stare blankly at her, thinking, "ok, I don't really believe that second part, but even so, so what?" I think she thinks girls are catty towards attractive girls, which they are sometimes, but she wasn't that pretty. I would say she falls in the category of butterfaces. Then she went on to say that she even has girls come up to her and tell her how gorgeous she is. When the girl is distracted by Budweiser guy I look over at my friend with a "is this girl serious?" look. Then the girl decides to leave with her friends, and asked us to come with. Surprisingly, we didn't jump at that chance.

We taxi-ed our way to the next bar. Nothing to exciting except when I got asked by some dude if he could buy me a drink. I wasn't aware of the way I said no, but apparently it was funny. A guy my friend met up with watched it, and said it looked like I laughed rolled my eyes and shooed that boy away. I'm guessing it looked like I out-dissed him in a "I'm too good for you way." When in reality I was laughing at the guy and said no, because he LITERALLY could not buy me a drink, they made last call 15 minutes prior. Please! Because it happens so rarely we all know I would take a free drink from anyone (as long as I was at the bar with them so they couldn't roofie it) as long as I can find an out (ex. Oh, I need to go find my friend! She's really drunk!) from the conversation that follows. I'm a cold hearted snake.

Day of the 9th: apocalyptic rain and food drives

I volunteered to help a friend with her job's food drive. Apparently the Goo Goo Dolls (who were in town for? You guessed it...Summerfest) have a thing for their summer tour where at every stop they get a local food pantry to set up a table and they would inform their fans to bring non-perishable foods. I really wasn't needed. In fact, I think my friend didn't even have to be there to collect food. Here is the reasons why:

1. A total of three fans brought food. Geez, you would think Goo Goo Dolls fans would be more charitable.
2. It was terribly organized. My friend was not informed properly of where to set up (outside the Summerfest gates next to the stage the band was performing at), what to bring etc. We got there and had to bring a table and sign (the latter which we didn't have so we just looked like kids hanging out at a table).
3. It was hotter than a Hades. I wouldn't blame fans for not wanted to lug food around from the parking lots to the Summerfest grounds.
4. In the midst of everything the skies darkened, clouds rolled in and it got chilly. And....down pour. We had a three foot wide shelter to stand underneath that didn't help because the rain was coming from a 45 degree angle.

We gave up and left with three bags worth of cherry filling, dried tortellini and other random (but helpful) food. What a bust. We really wanted to demand to see Johnny Reznik to give him a piece of our minds. First I would tell him that his music sucks, then I would tell him that his marketing/pr people need to work on the charity/fundraising skills. Still thinking about writing a strongly worded letter.

Night of the 8th - Seether: a band that sucks

I went to go see them at Summerfest. My friend really wanted to go and had free tickets, so I figured I would go and drink my way through the misery. Besides, I have dragged my friends to bands they either didn't like/know.

Sorry to all the Seether fans out there, but they just are a painful band to listen to. Not a fan of the genre in the first place, so whatever. Luckily my friend had another friend that we met up with, so I could busy myself by making several trips to the beer tent, and several trips to the bathroom and she still had someone to be with to watch the show. So in total, I saw about 10 minutes of the show. Good times.

Afterward we took the free bus to the downtown area to drink some more. While riding we chatted with some guy (15-20 years older than us) who was also a Wisconsin alum and talked about our majors and what we were doing currently (we were being polite because this guy was rather belligerently annoying). At our stop we said goodbye and got off the bus. Halfway down the block we notice same guy following us. We enter the bar, and so does he. We order our drinks and stand in a corner and he joins us again. For about 10 minutes my friends and I don't really say anything, just staring at each other, "subtly" giving the hint we were not interested in engaging in conversation. Hee, we are beeyotches. Finally the guy leaves the bar. We always befriend random people whilst we are out drinking that like to follow us around for the remainder of the night (I will post another amusing story later).


Ever wonder what it means to have "Traditional Values" AKA How the Gays made Baby Jesus cry

Well here you go. This is taken from the Traditional Values Coalition website.

I highlighted my favorite parts in blue and added my commentary in red. Keeping it patriotic yo.

"A moral code and behavior based upon the Old and New Testaments. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the Lord has given us a rule book to live by: The Bible. We are committed to living, as far as it is possible, by the moral precepts taught by Jesus Christ and by the whole counsel of God as revealed in the Bible.

As an outgrowth of our commitment to the Bible, we believe the following:

Right To Life: We believe that every human deserves the right to life—from conception to death—and that we do not have the right to kill unborn children nor to murder the elderly through active euthanasia. We do, however, support the death penalty. The Bible is clear that the government has the responsibility to provide for peace and security for its people. We also believe the government has the power to take the lives of those who murder others and to wage war against our enemies.

"Because murdering our enemires and other murders doesn't count."

Fidelity In Marriage And Abstinence Before Marriage: Based upon biblical principles, we believe that marriage is to be a lifelong commitment. We also believe that fidelity in marriage is essential. We also believe that teenagers and young adults should be taught to abstain from sexual contact until after they are married. The epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases running rampant in our culture is evidence of the failure of the sex education movement. Violating God’s principles on chastity has dire consequences. We support the God-ordained institution of the family, which is a union of a man and woman, with or without children—and is based upon marriage, blood, or adoption.

"Wait...there is/was a sex education movement? Missed out on that one. Also, I think that heterosexual married couples who are willingly without children (and plan to be that way forever) should go to hell too. I mean, they are having sex for fun! Those sinners."

Homosexuality, Bi-Sexuality, Transgenderism, And Other Deviant Sexual Behaviors: The Bible clearly condemns all sexual behaviors outside of marriage between one man and one woman. Homosexual behavior is explicitly condemned in both the Old and New Testaments as an abomination and a violation of God’s standards for sexuality. We oppose the normalization of sodomy as well as cross-dressing and other deviant sexual behaviors in our culture.

"Well, this speaks for itself, doesn't it. But, I just want to know what these "other deviant sexual behaviors" are. I bet masturbation is one of them. Its really hard to reproduce that way."

Pornography: The spread of pornography in our culture is a threat to the stability of families and frequently results in family break down, child molestations, and spousal abuse. We oppose this threat because it destroys families and it destroys the person who has become addicted to it. Pornography is a progressive addiction that ruins the conscience of the person. Frequently, this person acts out his sexual fantasies by molesting children, raping girls, and committing other sexual crimes—including murder.

"I wonder if divinity schools have pornography, because that seems to produce a lot of child molesters."

Patriotism, Loyalty To Country, And Political Involvement: We believe that we are to be good citizens. This means we are loyal to our nation (not blind loyalty "they mean literally blind here", however); we are to support our Armed Forces, law enforcement officials, and we should participate in the political process. We live in a free country but we will not remain free if we do not exercise our rights as citizens.

"Just don't ask so many gosh darn questions."

We believe in the principles outlined in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the writings of our Founding Fathers. We support free enterprise, limited government, low taxes, and personal responsibility. We believe in self government, not self indulgence. We do not believe that the federal government should extend its power over every aspect of our lives. The best government is the one that governs the least.

"Now let us tap your phone. Keep records of your online activity, and library records. Also, you know these are the same people that are complaining about city roads, sanitation, parks being crappy but keep on voting for people for lower taxes only."

Religious Freedom: We are advocates of religious freedom. We believe the First Amendment to our Constitution gives all of us the right to freely exercise our religious faith and that religious faith is the cornerstone of freedom in this nation. Our Founding Fathers supported religion, purchased Bibles, established congressional chaplains, and sent missionaries to witness to the Indians. They enacted the First Amendment to protect religious freedom, not to stifle it. We are opposed to any movement in this country that will strip away our constitutional rights to freedom of religion, speech, and association.

"And by religious freedom, we mean as long as you are under the umbrella of Chrisitianity."

Addictive Behaviors: We are opposed to the spread of legalized gambling in our society because this behavior frequently leads to addictions, the destruction of families, and the abuse of children. We oppose the legalization of addictive drugs and support strong law enforcement efforts against this societal scourge. We believe it is self-destructive and destructive of our culture, for individuals to become addicted to such behaviors as gambling, alcohol, smoking, pornography, or the use of drugs.

"Because if anyone partakes in any of the above, automatically they are addicted"

Discrimination And Tolerance: We are not tolerant of behaviors that destroy individuals, families, and our culture. Individuals may be free to pursue such behaviors as sodomy, but we will not and cannot tolerate these behaviors. They frequently lead to death. We do not believe it is loving to permit someone to kill themselves by engaging in a self-destructive behavior. We believe in “discrimination” in the good sense: choosing between good and evil, right and wrong, the better and the best. We believe in discrimination in the sense of being discerning between good and bad choices. Popular culture maintains that all forms of discrimination are wrong. This is incorrect. A person with “discriminating taste” is one who uses wisdom in making choices. In short, we believe in intolerance to those things that are evil; and we believe that we should discriminate against those behaviors which are dangerous to individuals and to society.

"WTF??? What happened to the bible saying something to the extent of the only one who is allowed to judge is God? Loving thy neighbor?"

Love And Hate: The Bible teaches us that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who persecute us. We believe it is a loving response to oppose behaviors that destroy individuals and families. It is not loving to allow someone to kill themselves or other individuals. It is not “hate” to fight against such cultural forces as pornography, drugs, abortion, and sodomy.

"Hee. It just answered my question with a dumbass response."

The Summing Up: Traditional Values are based upon biblical foundations and upon the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, the writings of the Founding Fathers, and upon the writings of great political and religious thinkers throughout the ages.

President George Washington, in his Farewell Address in 1796, said that popular government cannot exist without morality—and morality based upon biblical principles. In effect, he defined traditional values in these words:

Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports….And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. – Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure—reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

In short, Bible-based traditional values are what created and what have preserved our nation. We will lose our freedoms if we reject these values."

Oh no, I don't want to be not free. I better embrace the traditional.


Will Arnett gets a Supporting Actor Emmy Nomination. Yay.

He won't win.

Flogging Molly is for babies

Went to Summerfest last night with my brother-o and his girlfriend. He wanted to go see Flogging Molly (with Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band performing right before them) and asked if I wanted to come along with. I had a free ticket, and didn't have any other plans to go (no bands I desperately wanted to see) so I said I would go.

We got to the stage and sat down right before RPBDB went on, and I knew right away I was going to be annoyed out of my mind. The average age of the kids had to be 16-18. Parents were scattered around as well. The idiots were WEARING Flogging Molly t-shirts. Don't they know you don't wear the band's t-shirt when you go to see them play? Concert faux-pas!

I did have a good time though. I made fun of the guys not wearing shirts, the hippies dancing around likes idiots, the little "punks" pumping their fists to "Rebels of the Sacred Heart." Do these kids even understand where the mentality of Irish punk/rock comes from? Probably not.

RPBDB was awesome. First time I have seem them perform. They have a great sound and good energy. I would go see them again if they come back to Milwaukee.