
The Evil Puppy is after your immortal soul.

Is it stealing when someone leaves a particular item behind, and you keep it without telling that said person that they forgot it? What if that person is far away, and it is hard to give it back? What if that person kind of obviously purposely left it behind? What if it was insignificant, like say a big blue coffee mug? Should a person just keep it? It doesn't matter what you say or believe, because that person is going to keep it, because she thinks it is super cool and doesn't want to part with it.

Speaking of stealing. I am a sinner because I have "stolen" and I have lusted after someone of the opposite sex. Guess who has an awesome Christian, Bible-thumping website? Yes it is our dear Mike Seaver, Kirk Cameron. Apparently, he used to be an devote Atheist, just like you and me (because aren't we all). But then he found the way of the Bible, which told him that if he didn't become a Christian, he would be damned for life. Uhhh, shouldn't we think of better reasons to be a Christian than a selfish reason, like I don't want to go to hell. How about the belief that Jesus was the son of God, and like good and stuff. I don't get religion (so starts the hate comments). Note: when it asks you if you are a Christian or not, just for fun, click no. It will explain everything: WHY YOU ARE GOING TO HELL and not good enough to go to heaven. Nothing like a little fear tactic to convert someone.

Here is an awesome website where you can see how your face compares to celebrities. My face recognition correlates to Lucille Ball and River Phoenix. Hmmm.

And if the title doesn't make sense you must watch Conan O'Brien to see the best new character.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so funny. Can't wait to hear "the rest of the story" regarding the blue coffee mug, you evil, stealing heathen.