
A nostalgic blog for the new year

Music of my years

Ages 0-10: I lump this together because I didn't listen to much of anything. There was the NKOTB stint (I still have a Hangin' Tough Concert VHS which is awesome). I also remember playing my mom's Captain and Tenille and Olivia Newton John records a lot. I was influenced a lot by my Mom and Dad so at a young age I knew Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Patsy Cline, any New Wave band, the Who and that type of 70's rock bands.

Late elementary-early Middle school: Any radio friendly rap/hip-hop/r&B artist. It was all about En Vogue, Toni Braxton, Coolio, Salt n' Pepa, TLC anything on Jock Jams cds. I was huge into top 40 radio.

Late middle school-early high school: The start of the woe is me phase. I was into the "Lillith Fair" esque music. Girls with guitars/pianos/voices. Alanis Morrissette, Alana Davis, Joan Osbourne, Sarah Mclaughlin or however you spell it. I also loved Bush and The Wallflowers. Still a radio girl.

Late high school-early college: My love of 90's alternative. Weezer, Nirvana, splashes of TOadies, NIN etc. etc. And thanks to Napster and the like: Mustard Plug, Mates of State, The Rentals, Get UP Kids, Ozma, early Jimmy Eat World, Tsunami Bomb (Insert music you could not hear, find or buy in Sheboygan) and any band seen at the early Warped Tour. I liked emo, pop-punk and anything with a moog/organesque sound.

Late college-now: I like to think I am blending everything together. Refining my tastes. I still like En Vogue. There is a warm spot in my heart for Girly rock and Jock Jams. Recently I am mostly listening to rock music you can dance to: ala Ok Go, and rock music that has bizzare lyrics: ala Pixies and Modest Mouse.

I Love Music.

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