
My Holiday summed up

First and most important news:

My sister and her boyfriend got engaged on Christmas Day. They came to my parents home that morning. My sister was hiding her hand in her sleeve, which I didn't notice. I started asking them what they got each other. She seemed flustered and said something about a necklace, with a face that looked pissed. A little more prodding led to her getting up and going to my mom. She held out her left hand and said, "So mom, what do you think about that watch Perry's sister got me?" My mom didn't even pay attention to her ring finger, and said the watch was nice. Hee. Finally my mom noticed and everyone was happy. My dad squealed like a little girl, with "a little dress. Little saddle shoes. Little pigtails."

Later that night when we went to our bigger family gathering, my sister told my family she had an announcement to make. In a fashion that can only be my family's, my 15-year old cousin with a baby says, "Your Pregnant!" You see, in my family, baby in a baby carriage comes before marriage. That is how we roll.

Note: The first and so far only thing that my sister is worrying about...who will be the flower girl and ring bearer. She wants it to be equal between her and her fiance's sides, but she really wants our cousin to be flower girl and her fiance does not really have anyone to be the ring bearer. Does anyone really worry much about this aspect of the wedding?

The morning after Christmas I awoke and found seven extra people sleeping on my mom's living room floor. Apparently there was an argument at my aunts house which lead everyone but two people to come spend the night. It was weird. One of the seven was a two month old baby. I was happy to see her there. I even got to help give her a bath that morning in our kitchen sink...hey there was no baby bath thingy at my mom's place. I held the baby while my cousin washed her. My cousin told me she usually cries a lot during her bath but she didn't when I help. That is because I have the magic touch.

I had that whole week between Christmas and New Years off, in which I did nothing but lay around my mom's house. I gained about five pounds while my mom baked a cake, brownies and cookies and made meals late at night to feed me. My mom loves to feed me. You can tell she misses me and my siblings. She said that she wasn't in the Christmas mood until we were back. She made Christmas cookies and gave me a Christmas stocking full of candy and snacks before I went back to Milwaukee. Having us around brings the Holiday spirit I guess.

Eye doctor appointment. Prescription is a little worse. I said no to "family history of cancer" and "heart problems" both which I only realized minutes later were wrong. Oops. Oddly enough, I almost said yes to the "family history of cataracts" until I realized that my grandpa is not my blood grandpa. I must have smoked something before I went because I was very absent minded. She also dilated my eyes, which only went away way late into the night. I started to get freaked out but I am okay now.

New Year's Eve was pretty uneventful. I was designated driver and spent some time at the apartment where I felt uncomfortable because it was fancy. Well, fancier than me and what I am used to. My friends and I left the bar at 12:30. We are too young to be acting like we are 80 people.

Resolution for the New Year: Be more talkative in social settings. I blame CM for making me such a wallflower. Ok, my mom could probably take some of the blame too.

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