
Milwaukee Bucks are not so good

I got me some free Bucks tickets tonight. I was given them 1 hour and 30 minutes before the game started. I managed to get two friends to come with me. I still had three extra tickets that the woman gave me that I couldn't find anyone to take (not that I tried really hard). And no, I didn't scalp them, because I do have a sense of propriety.

The seats were up in the nose bleed section and we were surrounded by little kids. They must have been from the YMCA or some other type of recreation program, because it was clear that they were together. The game was good but the Bucks lost...to the Chicago Bulls? Aren't they not good? I don't really know. I don't follow much NBA.

The adult people sitting around us were annoying as all hell. I just wanted to yell at them..."Do you realize how far up we are? I don't think that those Bulls fans sitting in the section next to us can hear us let alone the players." Stupid frat boys.

But in general I love being at professional games. There is something so great about people watching and also watching those silly little games they play. I was hoping that the Bucks would make it over 100 points so I could get my free Quarter Pounder from McDonald's. Oh wait. I don't eat red meat. But still. Also the half time show was cool. They had this gymnastic/tumbling group who did all these crazy jumping tricks and flying jumps from trampolines over their fellow gymnasts forming a pyramid.

Today for Friday training, we had to be in the shoes of a LGBT person. In my case, I had to play the role of some girl that had slept with a man who had intimacy with another man (the guy (straight) who was along with me had to check the box that he had slept with a man in the past). The exercise was to see what it is like donating blood (or attempting to) and checking the box indicating or sexual histories. I was freaking out while filling out the survey. Not because of the particular question, but because of the fact that I was lying. I am such a goody two-shoe that it is not even funny. When the woman took me to the room to take my temp/blood pressure/go over the survey. The question about the sex was the first thing she noticed. She asked the question out loud again. I said yes. She asked how long ago...oh no cornered. I didn't know what a good time period would be. "Two years," I said. Ooops. That, aparently is acceptable.

As they were setting me up to give the blood, I look over at my partners in crime. The guy, of course, was denied because men who had sex with men are automatically denied the opportunity. I started breathing heavier, covering my face with my hands, moving around in my lounge chair, nervously giggling. The woman asked if I was ok. I started to ramble on incoherently. Then I said in an almost panicked manner, "Oh my, I am sorry. I am really nervous. Hmmm heh," Covering face again, "Oh my God, I don't think I can do this, my heart is racing." She let me go. The girl who was with me was asking if I was ok as we left the building. Then I turned around and smiled, "See, I told you I would do that if my questionnaire was accepted." She was mighty surprised by my acting abilities. Now I feel like crap. I shall be donating blood to ease the guilt sometime in the near future.

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