
I see you shiver with antici......pation.

Oh boy!!! Today is the big day. I am seriously very nervous about the outcome of this election. I don't know if I could take another four years of Bush. He has screwed up our nation enough with this awesome war in Iraq, employment rates, tax breaks etc. And he seems to have even better plans for the next term if he is re-elected. I can't even let myself do homework, because my mind starts to think about the future with Bush. More soldiers in Iraq, perhaps a war with North Korea, or Iran, more loses of privacy rights to minorities immigrants and women, more tax cuts that benefits the rich and affect the middle and working class by cutting government programming and allows future generations to pay it off. Yes I am aware that I do not know everything about politics, but I know enough to know that Bush does not benefit this country, and anyone that thinks differently is obviously going.

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