
Don't mess with big sisters

My brother's roommate is a dickhead. Seriously, this guy is so coolness. He lacks any etiquette that any human being should have. I don't know about you, but I believe normal roommate rules are that you share objects such as microwaves, television and refrigerators, especially if you are in the dorms. You do not bring two of everything, that just takes up to much room. You really don't decide half way into the year, that the television is yours and your roommate is not allowed to finish watching the movie they were watching for the past hour and half because you want to play x-box (this is force and not asking politely if they were done watching the movie). If my brother would have known that his roommate would enforce such rules, he would of brought his own television. I think my brother should forbid his roommate to use his microwave, since my brother brought it. Also I think my brother should punch his roommate every time he says (on-line) something sexual to my brother's girlfriend. I am not afraid to go over there and have a little talk with this ass. Anyone that has seen the women in my family talk when they are mad, know to be afraid, to be very afraid.

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