
Happy Daylights Saving Time!!!

Whoa, I forgot how much I like Halloween in Madison. It is just so much fun. From the annoying drunks on the street to waiting up all night for visitors that never come. Yeah, going home at 11:30 is ideal though, it helps me to miss out on the riots on state street, that occurred once again this year. Way to go Madison, you make me proud. Oh, but wait, it is those darn out-of-towners right? Those who come in by the hundreds just to make some ruckus and be part of history. Seriously though, what is the fun? Not finding parking? Getting sprayed with pepper spray? Or getting molested/harassed by a drunken passerby? Can you tell how happy I am?

Oh and if you are ever really happy with someone at the bars, just spill beer all over them and say, "Whoops, I spilled my beer." Then run out before the bastard has a chance of hitting you, because he will.

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