
Some more good stuff I almost forgot about

Remember Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre? That crap was awesome.

I still remember, as a youngin', my mom would take me and my sibling on outings to the local public library. We would sit around, read books, sign-up for some computer game time (Oregon Trail baby!!!!~~~~I always seemed to die of dysentery or cholera). Before we left we almost always checked to see if there were any Faerie Tale Theatre videos available to check out. They had to be ones we didn't already see of course but we almost always left with one we never saw before.

Because all things seem to be exaggerated as children, I thought there were millions and millions of "episodes" but as it turned out there were only 26. Some of them, I don't even remember, such as The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers and the Snow Queen.

I almost forgot how awesome they were. Fairy Tales, or Faerie Tales-whatever, are almost always super cool to kids. Since I was the girliest girly girl as a kid, I loved them because I always imagined myself as the princesses and getting rescued by the handsome prince (now I imagine myself as being the kick ass princess rescuing the hot prince).

As an adult now, I can appreciate that some very awesome actors and directors worked in the productions. And also there is the nostalgia factor. Who doesn't like nostalgia?

The installments that I remember and love are:

The Tale of the Frog Prince (Teri Garr and Robin Williams)
Sleeping Beauty (Christopher Reeve)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Tatum O'Neil)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Cinderella (Jennifer Beals, Matthew Brodrick)
The Princess Who Never Laughed (Ellen Barkin and Howie Mandel)

Mick Jagger even stared in one!

One downside was that Shelley Duvall creeped me out, and kind of still does.


jessicarae said...

Shelley Duvall was also in the classic flick "Bernice Bobs her Hair." You should check that one out.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, best movie ever.