
The Heroes Cast is Pretty

This is really just a way for me to talk about the prettiness.

Nathan Petrelli played by Adrian Pasdar: I will describe the character as upper crusty hot. The kind that is so high strung and uptight, you can't but help to find it endearing. I ask the writers of Heroes to implement more shirtless flying scenes. Stat.

Peter Petrelli (oooo alliteration) played by Milo Ventimiglia: His milkshake brings all the 12-25 year old fangirls (and some fanboys) to the yard. I would describe his appeal as soft and sensitive hot. He is just so deep.

Gabriel Gray AKA Sylar played by Zachary Quinto: Scary hot. Its hard to admit you find him attractive, what with the head slicing and maybe-brain eating.

Isaac Mendez played by Santiago Cabrera: He's an ex-heroin addict. So that means girls automatically have to be attracted to that character. Its the bad-boy-most-be-me-to-be-the-one-to-reform kind of hot.

Mohinder Suresh played by Sendhil Ramaurthy: He has a bunch of semi-to-very annoying voice overs. He's Professor Sex.

More to be continued later.

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