
Negative Kudos: Senator Biden

Senator Joe Biden (D-Delaware) has been in the news for making the following statement regarding Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois)***its a supposed compliment***:

"first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

Mmmmm. Smells like ignorance.

Anytime that any black person is describes as "articulate" I wince. Aren't all politicans, regardless of race, supposed to be articulate and bright? But to give the guy some credit, even our own President of the United States of America has described Obama as "articulate."

And CLEAN? What the fuck is up with that? In this story, he later explained that by clean, he meant "fresh/new."

The statement comes off as saying, all African Americans that are in the mainstream, are not intelligent, don't speak well, DIRTY!!!, and ugly. Sorry Condi Rice, Oprah, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Colin Powell, Louis Farrakhan etc etc.

I am hoping that Biden learns how to filter the words coming from his head to his mouth.

Oh, and a Happy Black History Month to all.

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