
How to get a free cup-o-joe from the corner coffee shop

1. Go to your car in the morning and turn on.

2. While car is running, "unlock" doors and go outside to get snow off windows. Purposely hit the lock in stead of unlock button, while making sure your purse, cell phone, AAA card, money etc is inside the car.

3. When done cleaning the car, attempt to open door and looked shocked when you realize that the door is locked, with the car running. You were so sure that you hit that damn unlock button.

4. Enter corner coffee shop, where you know police officers are every morning, with car brush in hand and ask for help to get into your car.

5. You totally already have prior knowledge that Milwaukee Police no longer help in these situation (because of some BS about liability on "breaking" the car's power windows by accidentally messing with wires). So they tell you to call AAA.

6. Give the near tears look in your face when you tell them your AAA card, cell phone and house keys are locked in your car. Police officer will then lend you cell phone and get the AAA number for you.

7. Owner of coffee shop will see you sniffling (in case you can't cry for real, get a cold real quick like me) and said owner will demand that you take a free cup of coffee for all your troubles.

All this will cost you is:

  • 20 minutes waiting on hold for a representative.
  • Another 10 minutes while representative tries to find your 16 digit membership number, which you for some reason just can't memorize.
  • Then another 60 minutes while you wait for the damn tow truck which takes about one minute to unlock your damn door.
  • Oh, and lets not forget the gas from the still running car.
  • Being late for work.

I hate my luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and your brother need to get together to start to write a screenplay for a movie and/or television pilot based on the odd things that happen in the land of HOlland!!