
Snow, Snow, Soft White Snow

Now to break the cold snap, the weather decides to turn to...Snowy. Yayyyyyyyyy. Actually I have no problem with snow, or even snow storms. There is actually something very peaceful about snowfalls. Of course, I am only referring to the times that you are staring outside the window from the safety of your own home. If you are staring out the window at a snowstorm from anywhere else, you are not feeling anything other than anxiety about the car ride home. Or maybe that's just me, and how I am feeling right now. Except its not really snow-storming outside, more like just snowing. I'm just a really excitable person.

The title of this blog comes from a play I was in when I was about 6 years old. It was the called the Selfish Giant, I believe. I was...wait for it...a snow flake. It was my job to come in, do a choreographed dance and "wilt" the flowers (one of which was my sister). All while I, along with the other 4-5 snowflakes, sang the following song:

Snow, snow, soft white snow
Snow, snow, gentle snow
Cover the earth with your blanket white
And softly say goodnight, goodnight

Yes, I remember the song, but only because my mother has me recorded practicing the song and dance. She likes to torture me with the video.

It was to be my acting debut, but alas, it was not meant to be. I was only able to do a few shows before I was infected with the dreaded chicken pox.

I probably consoled myself by putting on the Captain and Tennille record and lip syncing Muskrat Love to myself in the mirror. I may or may not have actually done that as a child.

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