
Proving That I am Not So Dumb After All

Last week sometime, I went in for my second interview for this position I have been trying (and wanting) to get since May. Unfortunately two of the four people who were "interviewing" me, were not my biggest fans, to say the least. I went into the whole process knowing that it was no use because there was no way even if I was qualified (which I more than was) and showed commitment (Hell, I was trying to apply knowing they didn't like me, and them knowing that I shared the same feelings...That is commitment to the program) that they still would not hire me.

Part of me thinks that they think I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer (sometimes I think the same thing). First they let me know that they already filled two positions. Filling positions before all the applicants have been interviewed? Hmm, doesn't seem like good hiring practice to me. Second, one of the two applicants I consider my friend (well both actually are my friends, but one I speak to on a more regular basis) and I know that they only had one interview at the most. Do they not know that we would be talking to each other about our interviews? Duh. Third, they repeatedly told me during the interview, while I was giving my answers about my expectations for the coming year, that I had to put the past year, along with mistakes that the leadership (them) had made, behind us. Funny enough I am 99% certain the only reason I was not hired was because a letter they read, in which I expressed my disappoint in the leadership. Well, I guess they are allowed to take certain things from the past year into consideration, but I am not.

And the icing on the cake that proves just how much of a dumbass they think I am. I walked up to the office about to open the door and realized it was locked. I knocked. Waited for half a minute. Knocked some more, looking into the window seeing heads that were not responded to my knocks. Waited another minute and knocked some more. Finally one of the interviewees came over looking at me through the window like I should know better. She stood there and said, "Try again." While still looking at her, I tried the handle again. She finally opened the door, and proceeded to show me how to open a door. Not until she tried turning the handle did she notice that it was indeed locked. She looked at the door with amazement, and said, "The door handle didn't go down like this." I looked at her and said, "...um no. [whispered because I didn't really want them to hear since there was still a slight chance of getting hired] It was locked."

I is smart because I know how to open a door. I am going to start making "I *heart* Holland" buttons for them to wear, because obviously they think highly of me and hope to be me when they grow up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That F*#%ing Bitch!! Oooh....that makes me even more mad, because it just makes me realize just how immature those a-holes are!

You is smart!!

Love, Mom