
Don't mess with big sisters

My brother's roommate is a dickhead. Seriously, this guy is so coolness. He lacks any etiquette that any human being should have. I don't know about you, but I believe normal roommate rules are that you share objects such as microwaves, television and refrigerators, especially if you are in the dorms. You do not bring two of everything, that just takes up to much room. You really don't decide half way into the year, that the television is yours and your roommate is not allowed to finish watching the movie they were watching for the past hour and half because you want to play x-box (this is force and not asking politely if they were done watching the movie). If my brother would have known that his roommate would enforce such rules, he would of brought his own television. I think my brother should forbid his roommate to use his microwave, since my brother brought it. Also I think my brother should punch his roommate every time he says (on-line) something sexual to my brother's girlfriend. I am not afraid to go over there and have a little talk with this ass. Anyone that has seen the women in my family talk when they are mad, know to be afraid, to be very afraid.


Don't know what to title this one

There are signs on Bascom Hill signifying all the tribes that are represented (by individuals) on the UW campus. I sort of think it looks like a graveyard sort of reinforcing the stereotype of the Indian as dead. To further reinforce this stereotype The Badger Herald, who wrote a cover story on Native November events, placed a picture of a non-Native next to the story. Granted these events are meant to educate non-Natives about Native culture and issues and this picture may highlight this but it also denies the physical existence of Native students who are doing the teaching on campus. It is hard though since many of the Native students on campus are in fact so called "halfbreeds" and do not physically appear like the stereotypical Indian, thus making the community even more "invisible".

I was at this "graveyard" taking a group photo for Native November. Every Native student,faculty and staff had to stand by their Nation's sign. On grad student, who was actually the one taking the picture, had his two daughters along. I think they were two and five years old. These girls are Choctaw, form their mother, and Sac & Fox from their father. The older girl was holding the Choctaw sign and the little one was holding the other, except she wasn't doing a good enough job, according to her sister. So the older one ripped the sign out of the little one's hand and a fight ensued. Everyone else thought this was funny and talked about how it was a war between the tribes. Needless to say they disrupted the photo shoot, because their dad needed to separate them.

When the shoot was done, everyone was standing around and talking and cleaning up. The little girl (the 2 year old holding the Sac & Fox sign) was about 20 yards away from everyone else rolling around in the wet leaves. I found this really funny because I think I was the only one who noticed this. I did not try to stop her because she looked like she was having so much fun laying on her back with her white tight dressed legs kicked in the air.


Hello Holland. This is Reality and I am catching up to you.

I just got back from class and lo-and-behold (yeah that's right Mom, I used that phrase) I got my first graduation related mail. Granted, it might have been sent out to all the UW-students, but still. It is like a reminder that I only have one semester to go and I still don't really know what I am going to do with my life.


I once met this guy at a party. I was wearing my black low top converses, denim cuffed cropped pants and a blondie "retro" t-shirt. He asked me if I was punk, because I looked punk. Hehe. I tricked him. I should have asked him, "if I say I am punk, will you make out with me?"

I like procrastinating on writing my paper and studying for my exam


I can never get any peace and quiet

Scott Peterson was found guilty for murder in the 1st degree of Laci Peterson and murder in the 2nd degree of his unborn child, Connor. I am happy but at the same time sadden by this decision. It was pretty obvious to me that the bastard did it and it was very sad that Laci was pregnant and very happy about it (as is shown that she had a name picked out and his nursery ready). However, I do see this as a step back in pro-choice movement. If they can charge someone with a murder of an unborn child that is separate from the mother, then that leaves the door open to charging any woman with murder if she gets an abortion. Don't ask me for the logic, I just know pro-lifers will twist the law into making abortion illegal again using the Laci and Connor's act.

Anyway...did you know the world's youngest mom was 5 years old when she birthed (C-Section) her child. Whoa. Here is a website to check it out.



My parents screwed me up

Earlier I blogged about crying after I got lost in the hospital (which is huge by the way) which led me to think about how my parents have screwed me up mentally. I am 21 years old and I have this irrational fear of getting lost a phobia if you will. This stems from my parents being paranoid when they would take all four of us out at one time, as any normal parent would be I guess. Most of the time, it was either only my dad or only my mom (which was most of the time) that had all of us at the grocery store, park, bus, mall etc. They would make us all walk really close to each other. An example of this would be when we were at the grocery store, my mom/dad would have my youngest brother in a baby carrier backpack thing, my other brother in the shopping cart and my sister and I had to hang on to the cart and walk along side my parents (I still hang on to the cart to this day regardless of who is pushing).

My mom and dad would also warn me of strangers that would kidnap me, so I should not talk to strangers and run away if they did talk to me. An example of this is when my elderly neighbor's friend (who was very sweet by the way), said hello to me. I shouted at her that I couldn't talk to strangers and I ran home to tell my mom what a good girl I was.

When I was at department store with my parents (and not holding on to the cart) I would start crying or freaking out if either of my parents were not in the same aisle as me because I thought I was lost. Apparently things never change.


Ok everyone. We are going to play a game. It is called...Where's Rianna?

Do DO Do Do Do DO Do...Do DO Do DO....DOOO...DO do do do do (That's me trying to type the Jeopardy Song)

Give Up? Well, Ri is at the hospital in an overnight. Hell yeah that is right. Turns out that the doctor's are concerned for her third infection in the span of three months (kidney, bladder, and kidney again). She is getting pumped full of antibiotic ivs and being "observed" and stuff. She will most likely be staying over for another night as well. They say she might be growing puss around her kidneys or something. This is not good. Our family has a history of having bad kidneys. Our grandmother died from kidney failure (well I don't really know if that was the ACTUAL cause of death, it could have been the emphysema or the heart of the pneumonia: she just got real sick real fast). Whenever I look at her I just want to say POBRECITA!!! Yeah, I learned that one in Spanish. Another scary thing is that they found a ovarian cyst during her pelvic exam. Yikes. Luckily we have heard repeatedly that they are common and most likely benign. Another scary thing, ovarian cancer and weird abnormal uterine/ovaries stuff runs in our family as well. Here hoping everything is alright.

I was so stressed out after I left the hospital, I started crying when I couldn't find my car and the security guard was being rude impatient with me when looking for my parking lot. Yes, I am awesome.


Cynthia Nixon is keeping it real

Holla at Cynthia for keeping it real...she sends her kids to public school, and fights for the rights of those same schools. Her kids don't look snobbly ( I don't know if that is a word) dressed or with snooty strollers, she recently kind of came out of the closet and she doesn't care much what her partners look like. Seriously, her girlfriend is ugly check it out....
I would like to make a big shout out to my girl CM for giving me this link.
-Catch ya on the flip side


Emergency Waiting Rooms are cool

So, I had to take Rianna to the ER last night, because she was in side crippling pain and nauseous. She is ok now, but I spent a good four hours in the waiting room with some cool beeps, before the nurse asked me if I would want to be with my sister. This was only a little better because the room was being shared with a preacher's wife. She was so cool, she was complaining that her surgical room was 666 and that someone had "said something untruthful about President Bush" My god, she sounded like she was going to cry when she said that last part. After 7 hours, Rianna was let out with a prescription of vicadin, filled with iv fluids and bruises from the iv needles. Yay for hospitals.


In the words of Nancy Kerrigan, "WHY?????? WHY??????"

As you can tell from the description of my blog, I do not hold People in high regard. At the moment I do not like American people all that much. How smart do you have to be to vote for George W. Bush. Exit polls showed that people thought the invasion of Iraq was a bad idea, and that they were not happy with the way the country was going. So obviously the most logical thing is to vote the guy, that has been screwing us over for the past four years, to another four years in office. Statistics show that new voters tend to be liberal, and in a landmark election with a significant amount of new voters, Dubya not only wins the electoral, but the popular vote as well. Oh dear god. I know that I make fun of Canada on a daily basis, but come on. It is looking like a utopia now. Just think how great the next four years: three new Supreme Court Justices, that no doubt will be pro-life, anti-affirmative action and anti gay marriage (Basically anything opposite of what I believe). I just can't wait until the government has more control over my life than myself.

Don't you like stories about voter disenfranchisement. Well here is another one: My brother's friend's parents just recently became US citizens. They did not vote in this year's election, the first year they are eligible. Why you ask? Well, apparently someone told them they had to PAY to vote. PAY.....TO VOTE!!!!! Ugh, this irritates me even more because they are minorities (Hmong). I LOVE PEOPLE.


I see you shiver with antici......pation.

Oh boy!!! Today is the big day. I am seriously very nervous about the outcome of this election. I don't know if I could take another four years of Bush. He has screwed up our nation enough with this awesome war in Iraq, employment rates, tax breaks etc. And he seems to have even better plans for the next term if he is re-elected. I can't even let myself do homework, because my mind starts to think about the future with Bush. More soldiers in Iraq, perhaps a war with North Korea, or Iran, more loses of privacy rights to minorities immigrants and women, more tax cuts that benefits the rich and affect the middle and working class by cutting government programming and allows future generations to pay it off. Yes I am aware that I do not know everything about politics, but I know enough to know that Bush does not benefit this country, and anyone that thinks differently is obviously going.