
Reminding my liver why it should hate me

Last Friday I went to a neighborhood bar with a co-worker who also lives close to me. Now, normally I am a beer drinker, but since she was buying the first drink, I said I would have whatever she was having. Bad idea. She was having a vodka tonic. My first thought was, well at least it isn't a gin and tonic. I hate gin.

The bartender is good at making sure your glass isn't empty, but he doesn't bother to ask if you want a different drink, let alone another drink at all. At the same time I was drinking my vodka tonics (not sure of the number because I lost count, kids just a suggestion, if you have lost count of how many drinks you had, maybe it is time to stop), I was playing a game that involved taking shots of Southern Comfort. Again the number of shots, not sure. I can't really go by how much I spent, because I was getting drink paid for, buying other people drinks.

The whole time I have been in Milwaukee, I have never gotten really drunk. I always had to drive myself, or was just too tired to drink. But this night was not one of those nights. I was having a good time just sitting and talking. Too busy to notice my drinking. When it was time for me to use the bathroom, I noticed. I stood up for the first time since I stepped foot in the bar (twoish hours later) and it hit me. I felt like I was in high school again, the first time I ever got drunk minus the crawling across tables to go make out with Ryan/Kyle - whatever his name was. Lucky for me, after that bathroom excursion, I was done drinking and we left an hour later. Don't worry, I live right across the street, no driving involved.

Within that hour, I didn't sober up, not even a little. I wasn't acting stupid, but I was saying pretty dumb things. I drunk dialed my friend in Hawaii, asked her the same 3 questions about four times in a row.

The next morning, I wasn't hungover. A little dehydrated, but that was all. I am actually surprised by this. The amount I drank probably wasn't that much, in comparison to what I drank in college, but it still had to be a shock to my system. I definitely appreciate the nights that I drink one or two beers compared to what I did that night. My college drinking days are happily over.

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