
I would make a good, heartless, wife

So my brother stayed over at my place for two nights. He is three years younger than me. I didn't really know what to do to amuse him. If he were 21, I would have taken him to a bar to hang out with my co-workers, but alas, he is 20 and doesn't have a fake. None of my siblings nor I, had a fake ID. We were just that angelic. (I later took him to a bar that I knew he could be let in).

Anyway, the reason why I think I would be a good wife: My brother sat on the coach watching TV while playing with a rubix cube. Every once in awhile I would ask if he was hungry or thirsty. If he answered yes to either, I asked what exactly he wanted, listing off what I had in my cupboards and/or refrigerator. He would answer, and I would get it for him. Just like a nice obedient wife. Ehmm, yeah.

But really, I am glad I don't live with him. He is such a boy. Leaves the toilet seat up. Leaves empty pitchers in the refrigerator. Doesn't clean up after himself. He is smelly. I love the boy and enjoyed the company, but seriously, I am glad I live by myself.

Why I am heartless: I was watching this show called, "Miracles" on ABC. One man was getting his hips operated on so he could walk and dance without pain. Before he was about to go into the operation room, he let out this cry of gratitude to the doctors. I instinctively say out loud, to no one, "Shut up!" Perhaps it was because the cry was very staged and fake to me. Maybe I automatically see it as fake, because the guy was a stage actor, and I always see stage actors as fakely overly emotional, as if they are always "on". I don't like actors.

But I am not all that heartless. I watched the show for the first time the week before,and they had the cutest little boy, who had some kind of scoliosis. One of the first scenes they showed was him with his family at the zoo. They were looking at giraffes. The little boy noticed that one giraffe had an abnormality on his neck. He said to his dad, "Look he has a bump like me." It made me go, "Awwwww." That storyline is what made me want to watch again, hoping for some more cuteness. All I got was overacting. Bah humbug. Only children can melt my cold, cold heart.

My neighbors downstairs are currently blasting U2's Vertigo. So not cool.

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