
Smart move Holland

So it was raining for about an hour, and an hour after it had stopped I decide it is good enough for me to walk to the mini-mart to pick up some much needed toilet paper. I am too lazy to find an umbrella but figure I won't need it anyway since the store is just around the (short) block. I make my purchase and as soon as I step outside it is down-pouring. It is a soak-you-in-a-second downpour. As soon as I get home, I am soaked through my jeans and t-shirt. I don't know what I was thinking.

One of the bad kids in my group told me that he told his dad about me. Apparently, his dad, who is "REALLY mad," wants to talk to me. Obviously this is suppose to scare me but I simply reply, "Good, I look forward to meeting him."

This weekend I went home to visit my family. The first night I am there my mom points to my always-sunblocked-layered-FRECKLED-shoulder and says, "I don't like that." (She is scared that I will get skin cancer because I have a lot of freckles but I protect my skin). As we were making frybread my mom semi-shouted at me (in that kind of "HOT!! HOT!!" way a mom yells to a one year old heading towards the oven) to get away from the hot oil because she was afraid I was going to burn myself (She just touched the oil with her finger minutes before). It is funny how moms will still treat you like your five even when you are an adult.

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