
I must make a confession...I am the Phantom Dooker

ABC's Brat Camp, is probably the best programming on television right now. Nothing is better than watching a bunch of horrible kids spend 40 days in the wilderness, having to bury their poop in the ground. Makes me proud to be an American.

I got told today that I will be working with National church Residences. I am happy, because it was my second choice (of course I would have been happier with my first choice, but second is good). I just hope that I don't screw up like I am supposedly screwing up with my current job. I got my mid-term evaluation for my camp job and I got two checks for "needs improvement" for communicating with staff and being a team worker. This is all because of one instance in which I let my feelings get vented up about this one woman I work with. It's had to describe in words what exactly she does to me, but it can be summed up in saying that she makes me feel like an elementary-aged kid in front of my own group of kids. So I finally told her my feelings (in front of the site director) and I was told I was being "over emotional" and I was only acting out because I was letting my frustration towards my group of kids come out. Ah yah, that is exactly it...Only I know of a few other counselors who feel the exact same way towards that witch. I swear, the older I get, the worse I am getting at my jobs.

Funny story about one of the kids I work with: We were making poems about trees outside. One of the boys comes up and shows me his poems. It goes something like this: Trees are green, Trees are brown, It makes me sad, when they're cut down. Clever. I congratulate him on a good poem. I turn my back to help another student. Five minutes later I hear all the students encourage the boy with the poem to go (where at this point I don't know). I quickly turn around to stop him. He tells me he wants to read his poem to the people across the street. I look up at the direction he is pointing at and see people cutting down a tree. Ah, the innocence and passion of childhood.

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