
Happy Non-smoking bar day!!!

I didn't realize it, but I just so happened to go out on the same night as Madison's enactment of the non-smoking bar act. Personally, as a non-smoker, I am thrilled about it. However, I spent the entire night, in the outside area with all the smokers. Oh well, at least I didn't smell like smoke at the end of the night.

This weekend was independence Day weekend. I went back to my hometown of Sheboygan. It was nice to spend time with them, especially since I rarely get to see them, and probably will be seeing a lot less of them with my new job and its rigorous hours. At the fireworks my little 19 month old cousin sat behind me in her stroller. It was her very first fireworks. She was so cute sitting there with her big brown eyes entranced with the colors and saying, "Uh-oh," every time a big firework went off.

Fare warning if you and your children are ever in the presence of my aunt...She will encourage them to run. At the fireworks we positioned ourselves in a perfect position to watch the fireworks, or so we thought. Turns out they were being launch about 100 yards to the left of where we were sitting. Right when they went off we noticed that we had a big tree, which was on top of a big hill, in our way. My aunt decides to yell out, "KIDS RUN!!!." So all of my little cousins and friends' kids go bolting to a new position. All the kids' parents go running after them and our whole group of 30 split up into three different groups. I was left behind with my mom and a few other people. I said that I didn't mind not seeing the fireworks and stayed behind the tree for a minute or two, but then moved to another position where I could see better. I mean, come on...You got to love fireworks.

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