
Last night in Madison...

I am spending my last night in my apartment. Right now I am in the middle of packing and cleaning. I am just hoping that I can get it all done by tomorrow. This will probably be my last night of blogging for awhile, that is unless I can get online time whenever I am back in Sheboygan. I will be moving to Milwaukee by early September. Hopefully I will have enough money saved by then.

For the first time in my life (or however long I have had my own checking account) I have overdrawn. When I told my mom and sister, they asked what I spent my money on. I had to really sit back and think about that one. I did not and still do not know how I spent that much money. Perhaps it is rent, gas money (driving back and forth from Milwaukee and Madison isn't that cheap) and not to mention that 100 dollar parking ticket. Actually now that I think about it, there was more than one 100 dollar parking ticket (god damn those pesky HIDDEN disabled parking signs).

Do you ever notice that with a new transition in your life, you tend to think about loved ones that have past away. Is it just me? I have been thinking about my grandmother a lot lately. In the middle of the day, as I am researching apartments in Milwaukee, I am thinking about what my grandmother would think about my new job. Would she be nervous about me living in a "big" city by myself? I try not to tell my mom about my preoccupation with memories of my grandmother. She is superstitious and probably would see it as a bad sign.

Well, I am tired and there is still work to be done. Until next time...

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