
Please won't you save me from the real world (Find the cliche terms used in this here Blog)

As I was sitting in my abnormal psychology lecture today, it struck me: This is my last lecture as an undergraduate student. Normally, one would be silently rejoicing, smiling throughout the entire lecture but not me. My face turned red, my throat closed up, my eyes glazed over....Say it ain't so. Now, don't get me wrong. It is not like I am a fan of sitting in boring 75 minute lectures, passing the time by doodling and occasionally partaking in the student newspaper crossword puzzle. The reason I was so panicky is that I realized I was one more step to being a "real" adult...a JOBLESS "real" adult. I started imagining going back home to live with my parents...which wouldn't be so bad if they lived anywhere besides Sheboygan. Oh Sheboygan, how I loathe thee. Why couldn't I find the time to do my graduate school research during last summer or even this fall? Why can't I put off adulthood for one more year? Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I just sent in my application to Public Allies. Hopefully it won't turn into a disappointing mess like Teach for America. Keep your fingers crossed and to all those jobless graduates...I salute you!!!

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