
My co-workers are from hell. That or my old high school.

I really do not like my new job. It is not the job itself, even though it entitles me to four hour shifts pawns fragrances to costumers, but the people I work with. The first thing that bugs me is that I have people that are 3 years younger than me telling me what to do. The second thing that bothers me is that they are fake, and force me to act the same way as them: pushy and chipper. A third thing that bothers me is that these people make me feel stupid. They do not do this is an outright manner but rather in a subtle, condescending way. Example: I was just told not to say "Is that everything?" at the cash register...When I do say it my co-worker is besides me laughing her head off (remember their are customers in line) and saying "You are so silly!" Don't worry, I flashed her that Evil Holland Eye. Another example: I had to dust and mop the floor one morning. Later on in the day a co-worker walked up to me and handed me a dust bunny and said, "you missed a spot." I swear, this place is an evil sorority.

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