
My weekend in Sheboygan

First thing I noticed when I walked into my parents' apartment was a big ass plasma TV. I mentioned it to my mom, and she told me that my 20 year-old brother bought it for himself (he is now working a factory job for the summer, making pretty good money). I think this is the dumbest purchase he could have made, but what do I know. I don't have money, and when I have it I hoard it like a mother. I think he should save it for a trip, or at least drinking money for the coming school year.

I met up with a friend from high school for a margarita while I talked about Public Allies. She was in an AmeriCorps program as well, so she knows all about my dramas. While there, we ran into her uncle, who paid for our drinks. Score! I always enjoy free drinks. I couldn't help but notice while we were drinking at the bar, a group of guys sat next to us. I recognized them right away as being guys a year younger than us, that went to our high school. Me, hating everything having to do with my high school, wanted to get out of there immediately. I wasn't scared of them talking to me, because they would have gone on happily ignoring us, it's just I get a fiery ire whenever I see someone (that isn't one of four people I still communicate with) that went to my school.

Saturday, I had breakfast with another friend from high school (one of the four). She used to be one of my "rebellious" friends. Now, she has a nice steady job, a steady boyfriend, a HOUSE (as in she owns it), and is pregnant. Obviously, she did all her growing up in high school. I am really happy for her though. She deserves that happiness.

Went "cake testing" with my sister. Turns out, we just went to the cake-maker and she talked to my sister and her fiance about cakes she makes and prices/designs/flavors/icing etc. And then my sister got to take home two 6-in diameter round cakes (one white and one cheesecake). So then, I went to my sister's place and ate cake. We came to one conclusion, one layer of her wedding cake has got to be cheesecake because DAMN! that shoot was good.

Babysitting Alana, my cousin's seven month old. She is adorable but she is very spoiled. You could put her down on the ground, but you had to be in her sight. If not, this is when she would start crying. Once she saw you, she didn't stop crying, she just lifted up her arms demanding to be picked up. Earlier in the day I bought her a new shirt and skirt, so I tried it on her, because if babies are anything, they are life-sized dolls to play with and dress up. She really doesn't like skirts.

Next, my family went 20 minutes away to have dinner for my parents anniversary and father's day. So, when we get to this steakhouse, in the middle of nowhere, we wait around in the bar area for over an hour and we finally get seated. The place was my sister's idea. I don't know what she thought was so great about it. I could think about 5 other closer places that I could get the broasted chicken dinner I had.

But that doesn't matter, because before I left for Milwaukee, my mom made chili and fry bread. Mmmmm.

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