

You know what I like a lot? When you run into someone you met while completely inebriated. Upon meeting this person, you are friendly, chatty and declare that this person is awesome and you will be friends forever. Of course, you don't get contact information to actually become friends with said person, but it doesn't matter because that one night of friendship will stay in your memory.

unfortunately, there comes that time when you run into that person and one of three things happen:

1. You remember the person (name, city where born, college attended and other random facts you exchanged with that person). Except that person doesn't acknowledge you. Part of you wonders, does that person remember me? Should I go over there to say hi? But you end up not doing anything because you don't want to come off as a stalker and/or creepy. Perhaps part of it is being embarrassed about the way you acted while drunk.

2. Person approaches you and you remember their face but can't place where exactly you met, or their name, or anything else about them. So, you just say, "Hey...[awkward pause searching brain for name]....you!" I must admit, this happens to me even when I initially meet a person stone cold sober. I am a face-remember-er and not a name remember-er.

3. Person approaches you and you have absolutely no idea who they are. It is similar to number one, except the other person is creepy and/or stalkerish. You apologize for not remembering or you just fake it and pretend like you remember.

I'm sort of a beeeyootch.

1 comment:

jwiltshire said...

I once met someone named Dorothy at a party. All that I remember is that I told her she was awesome and that I would remember her name because she was so awesome. And I think she was blond, but I could be wrong on that.