
Smart move Holland

So it was raining for about an hour, and an hour after it had stopped I decide it is good enough for me to walk to the mini-mart to pick up some much needed toilet paper. I am too lazy to find an umbrella but figure I won't need it anyway since the store is just around the (short) block. I make my purchase and as soon as I step outside it is down-pouring. It is a soak-you-in-a-second downpour. As soon as I get home, I am soaked through my jeans and t-shirt. I don't know what I was thinking.

One of the bad kids in my group told me that he told his dad about me. Apparently, his dad, who is "REALLY mad," wants to talk to me. Obviously this is suppose to scare me but I simply reply, "Good, I look forward to meeting him."

This weekend I went home to visit my family. The first night I am there my mom points to my always-sunblocked-layered-FRECKLED-shoulder and says, "I don't like that." (She is scared that I will get skin cancer because I have a lot of freckles but I protect my skin). As we were making frybread my mom semi-shouted at me (in that kind of "HOT!! HOT!!" way a mom yells to a one year old heading towards the oven) to get away from the hot oil because she was afraid I was going to burn myself (She just touched the oil with her finger minutes before). It is funny how moms will still treat you like your five even when you are an adult.


I must make a confession...I am the Phantom Dooker

ABC's Brat Camp, is probably the best programming on television right now. Nothing is better than watching a bunch of horrible kids spend 40 days in the wilderness, having to bury their poop in the ground. Makes me proud to be an American.

I got told today that I will be working with National church Residences. I am happy, because it was my second choice (of course I would have been happier with my first choice, but second is good). I just hope that I don't screw up like I am supposedly screwing up with my current job. I got my mid-term evaluation for my camp job and I got two checks for "needs improvement" for communicating with staff and being a team worker. This is all because of one instance in which I let my feelings get vented up about this one woman I work with. It's had to describe in words what exactly she does to me, but it can be summed up in saying that she makes me feel like an elementary-aged kid in front of my own group of kids. So I finally told her my feelings (in front of the site director) and I was told I was being "over emotional" and I was only acting out because I was letting my frustration towards my group of kids come out. Ah yah, that is exactly it...Only I know of a few other counselors who feel the exact same way towards that witch. I swear, the older I get, the worse I am getting at my jobs.

Funny story about one of the kids I work with: We were making poems about trees outside. One of the boys comes up and shows me his poems. It goes something like this: Trees are green, Trees are brown, It makes me sad, when they're cut down. Clever. I congratulate him on a good poem. I turn my back to help another student. Five minutes later I hear all the students encourage the boy with the poem to go (where at this point I don't know). I quickly turn around to stop him. He tells me he wants to read his poem to the people across the street. I look up at the direction he is pointing at and see people cutting down a tree. Ah, the innocence and passion of childhood.


Sinners are welcome

I went camping this weekend. I am a little red and a little bruised from the "white-water" rafting. I don't think it should be called rafting when you are pushing your boat off of rocks more than half of the time because the river is so low. I swear to god, next year I am not going rafting...Too much bad luck.

I have two interviews in the next two days for my Public Ally position. One is with Our Next Generation, a kind of youth mentorship program, and the other is with YWCA, setting up housing for low-income single mothers. I already had three interviews with Prevent Blindness Wisconsin, which sets up vision screening and follow-ups for children in school, Non-profit Management Fund, which helps fund and train for management in nonprofit organizations, and National church Residences, which also helps find housing for single low-income mothers. I am still not quite sure who I want to work with...They all seem like good choices. Going to go to bed now, I am super tired from this past weekend. Until later.


Happy Non-smoking bar day!!!

I didn't realize it, but I just so happened to go out on the same night as Madison's enactment of the non-smoking bar act. Personally, as a non-smoker, I am thrilled about it. However, I spent the entire night, in the outside area with all the smokers. Oh well, at least I didn't smell like smoke at the end of the night.

This weekend was independence Day weekend. I went back to my hometown of Sheboygan. It was nice to spend time with them, especially since I rarely get to see them, and probably will be seeing a lot less of them with my new job and its rigorous hours. At the fireworks my little 19 month old cousin sat behind me in her stroller. It was her very first fireworks. She was so cute sitting there with her big brown eyes entranced with the colors and saying, "Uh-oh," every time a big firework went off.

Fare warning if you and your children are ever in the presence of my aunt...She will encourage them to run. At the fireworks we positioned ourselves in a perfect position to watch the fireworks, or so we thought. Turns out they were being launch about 100 yards to the left of where we were sitting. Right when they went off we noticed that we had a big tree, which was on top of a big hill, in our way. My aunt decides to yell out, "KIDS RUN!!!." So all of my little cousins and friends' kids go bolting to a new position. All the kids' parents go running after them and our whole group of 30 split up into three different groups. I was left behind with my mom and a few other people. I said that I didn't mind not seeing the fireworks and stayed behind the tree for a minute or two, but then moved to another position where I could see better. I mean, come on...You got to love fireworks.