
My co-workers are from hell. That or my old high school.

I really do not like my new job. It is not the job itself, even though it entitles me to four hour shifts pawns fragrances to costumers, but the people I work with. The first thing that bugs me is that I have people that are 3 years younger than me telling me what to do. The second thing that bothers me is that they are fake, and force me to act the same way as them: pushy and chipper. A third thing that bothers me is that these people make me feel stupid. They do not do this is an outright manner but rather in a subtle, condescending way. Example: I was just told not to say "Is that everything?" at the cash register...When I do say it my co-worker is besides me laughing her head off (remember their are customers in line) and saying "You are so silly!" Don't worry, I flashed her that Evil Holland Eye. Another example: I had to dust and mop the floor one morning. Later on in the day a co-worker walked up to me and handed me a dust bunny and said, "you missed a spot." I swear, this place is an evil sorority.


Ha ha, I tricked everyone...

At my graduation, I was wearing a red stole that is given to American Indian graduates. Many people thought I was graduating with honors because the stole is similar to those wearing the honor stoles. The difference is that my stole is longer and has a Ho-Chunk design on it. Sorry, I am not that smart.

My last semester was my best semester. I got a 3.714 for the semester. I won't even say what my cumulative is because I already know many people that would personally cry over a 3.7 GPA for a semester, thinking it was horrible and my cumulative is lower than that. Whatever...I got a degree now and that is all that really matters.


And next to ride the coattails of the "graphic novels turned into movies" trend is...

There is a movie adaption of the graphic novel, V for Vendetta. I read this one for my comparative literature class and liked it a lot. Natalie Portman is playing one of the leads, Evey, in this one. Get this, Evey in the graphic novel, gets her head shaved by the other lead character, V. I just read that Natalie Portman actually got her head shaved for the part. I am definitely going to go see this one when it comes out. I hope it is as good as the book.



So, I graduated. My parents came down to the ceremony. My sister and I sat by our friends Lina and David. It was nice to have a nice line up of Native students march to receive their diplomas. Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin gave the speech. I was not wowed by anything in the ceremony besides the part where I received my empty diploma cover. I was rushed off the stage while being told to hold up my diploma cover and smile. SNAP! There goes a picture I know I will look horrible in. Oh yeah, and the people that were on the stage were projected onto the scoreboard screen. Yikes, I am glad I didn't have to look at that. I still don't feel like a college graduate.


Enjoying the moment

As I sit here, writing my last term paper of my undergraduate year, I am definitely savoring every moment. I am giving myself extra breaks for snacks or web browsing time. You know why? Because I deserve it. Four years of sometimes less than adequate works deserves a pat on the back in my opinion. So far I am on page 8 of my 10 page paper and I am giving myself an extra long break. This may be my last 10 pager. If there is graduate school in my future, it is nothing but pages upon pages of writing, reading and I will be looking back on my undergraduate years with fond memories wishing that it could be that easy once again. Yes, I am taking in the moment.

On the brighter side, my summer blogs should be a good read. I am once again working for Madison School and Community Recreation. So the blogs should be filled with great stories from what the kids said and did and perhaps a sprinkingly of stories about drunken nights with co-workers and whatever friends remain in or visit the Madison area. Yes, CM and JR going to have the most alcohol infested summer they have ever had, if I have any say in it. Muhahahaha


Seriously Wisconsin weather, knock it off

Wisconsin weather is so great...For one day it will be 70's and beautiful and the very next day it will be in the low 30's and rainy. It just goes in cycles like that over and over again. Yes, even though it is May, we here in Wisconsin experience close to water freezing weather. Thanks for reading my complaints, now excuse me while I work on my 10 pager due tomorrow at 12 pm.


In the words of Stephanie Tanner....HOW RUDE!!!!

People in Madison are rude: the drivers, the "bums" on the street, the teaching assistants. Let me tell you why.
Drivers: On my way back from a meeting with my TAs, I almost got ran over by a guy getting out of a restaurant parking lot. He was looking only in the opposite direction for oncoming traffic, so he didn't see me coming. I didn't think he would turn because there was still oncoming traffic so I walked in front of his car. Half way through the driveway, he starts to go and nips me on the leg with his bumper. I banged my fist on his hood to get his attention. He apologized quickly and sped away.
Bum on street: walked by him twice in short time period, asked me twice if I had change. Told him the first time I didn't have any (which was the truth) but he didn't recognize me five minutes later and asked me again. Even my quasi-ADD attention span can recognize people in the time period. Ok, so this one isn't so rude.
Teaching assistant: While I was giving my speech on what causes crime and how to stop it, my TA was not looking at me and doodling in his notebook. I better get an A.

On another note, I feel like I really packed on the winter weight this year. I blame Atkins diet craze. Being the semi-non-conformist I am, I decided to, instead of following the trend, to carb-o-load. I never go a day without bread, pasta , potato, or sugars. This would be a little ok if I was active, but lets be honest here....I am the Queen of Coach Potatoes so the non-diet caught up with me. Ahh, maybe I will hit the gym this summer (like I say every year).


sure kudrow can wait, but others cannot

Big news from Bennifer Part Deux...

Jennifer Gardner is three months pregnant with Ben Affleck's baby. I believe they have yet to marry. This news shall make CM sad not because she likes Ben Affleck, but because she thinks Jennifer Gardner could do better. I personally think she couldn't because she is a horseface.

Say What????

I just recently fell upon a profile of Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe from "Friends") and learned that she had stayed a virgin until she got married...at 31 years of age. Wow...that is all I am going to say. I don't know what her religious affliation is, but if she is doing it for non-religious reasons, I am very impressed with her commitment, considering the "sex-crazed" world we live in today. My personal opinion on sex before marriage? I think most people that know me, know my thoughts in this area, and if you don't...ask me.


If I had a sports team, I would call them "The Orange"

Marquette University has recently decided to change their mascot from the Golden Eagles to Marquette Gold. This decision has come after a debate on whether or not to change their mascot back to their former Marquette Warriors. They have previously changed their mascot from the Warriors to Golden Eagles because of growing dislike for Native images used for sports teams. Recently two alumni had offered to donate $2 million dollars for the return of the Warriors mascot. While I applaud the decision by the board to forgo the Warrior mascot I am puzzled by the decision to go with "The Gold". I think that Golden Eagles is a very strong name. Eagles are very strong, intelligent and beautiful animals...what is wrong with using them as a mascot? The Gold is a very ridiculous name...I mean...it's a color!!! Then again, I am a strong believer that school's having mascots/nicknames and caring so much about them is also ridiculous. Do they really think changing their name back to the Warriors is going to bring them back to a time when their basketball team was good? Let me tell you, it won't. I have advice for Marquette: choose any name that isn't silly sounding and doesn't offend people.


Please won't you save me from the real world (Find the cliche terms used in this here Blog)

As I was sitting in my abnormal psychology lecture today, it struck me: This is my last lecture as an undergraduate student. Normally, one would be silently rejoicing, smiling throughout the entire lecture but not me. My face turned red, my throat closed up, my eyes glazed over....Say it ain't so. Now, don't get me wrong. It is not like I am a fan of sitting in boring 75 minute lectures, passing the time by doodling and occasionally partaking in the student newspaper crossword puzzle. The reason I was so panicky is that I realized I was one more step to being a "real" adult...a JOBLESS "real" adult. I started imagining going back home to live with my parents...which wouldn't be so bad if they lived anywhere besides Sheboygan. Oh Sheboygan, how I loathe thee. Why couldn't I find the time to do my graduate school research during last summer or even this fall? Why can't I put off adulthood for one more year? Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I just sent in my application to Public Allies. Hopefully it won't turn into a disappointing mess like Teach for America. Keep your fingers crossed and to all those jobless graduates...I salute you!!!