
Pardon my French???

Where exactly did that expression come from? Why of all the languages in the world, is French linked to obscenities? What is wrong with, "Pardon my German," or "Pardon my Mandarin"?

In my psychology class we were learning about the different stages of development according to Sigmund Freud. An abnormal development in a certain stage can indicate a certain personality in adult life. For example, if a child was deprived of breast milk and affection during infancy (Oral Stage) they can grow up to be clingy and dependent. Anyway, the professor, joking around, talked about how a disruption in development of a certain stage can also showcase the obscenities the person will use in the future. These are the example he used (he used asterisks where it was needed):
Oral Stage: "You suck"
Anal Stage: "You a**hole"
Oedipal Stage: "You motherf***er"
Ah, the things you learn in college.

Finally, I would like to announce that I have officially become a college student: I HAVE TAKEN OUT MY FIRST STUDENT LOAN. Financial aid and scholarships are just not covering my college expenses and drug problem. Muhahahahah.

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