
The most rockingest band ever

Last night my friend Lina and I went to The Annex to see one of my favorite bands, Ok Go. It was so worth the ten bucks a piece. Lina never heard of the band before but she definitely liked them. The lead singer split his pants while playing a song. They did their usual dance routine for the encore. A drunk girl ran up on stage and molested the new guitar/keyboard player and the lead singer made fun of him for having a new girlfriend. Overall, it was a great night, despite some less than desirable audience members. Oh, another thing I liked about the night was that I was able to sit down and watch the show, it was a small venue and the crowd wasn't rowdy.

If you have never heard of them before, I suggest buying their first, self-titled album, you will not be disappointed. They are a fun rock band with a pop sensibility. This is how they are described on their site: "They're like a boy band that got seduced by Queen and wound up in college instead of Orlando."

Another interesting thing I learned in my psychology class: apparently this drug that is used in the treatment of patients with obsessive compulsive disorder has a side effect (5% chance) of causing spontaneous orgasm when a person yawns. "What?" was my first reaction, followed by "Cool." Unfortunately, the drug more than often causes the inability to orgasm as opposed to the opposite. What a cruel contradiction.

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