
Hey...you can always call Mom.

I need a study break, so I decided to write about some random thoughts I have been having lately. So here it goes.

-Why, when people find lost cellphones, do the sometimes initially look in the cellphone's "phonebook" for MOM? Is it our natural instinct to think that mothers can solve anything? When my sister lost her cellphone, our mom got a phone call, telling her they found the phone. Weird.
-Text messaging is today's version of passing notes in middle school. It annoys me when people will do it in the middle of class. It seems sort of infantile to me. Can it really not wait for 50-75 minutes? Stupid
-I am not really upset when a girl who is sitting in front of me has really long hair and it accidentally drapes on my desk. I just move it with my pen, and she doesn't even notice. However, I am upset when a girl has shoulder length hair and leans way far back in her chair so her hair is on my desk and covering my notebook. I can't really move the hair because she would definitely notice, since I would practically touch her head. Annoying.
-One of these days I will learn how to spell schizophrenia, without the help of spellcheck. Hopeful.
-I like those people that chew their gum with their mouths open. Smacking, squeezing the juice out. Very cow like. Disgusting.
-During my psychology lecture, the professor was showing a video clip of a patient with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Everyone was laughing at the person's need to hit a glass cup against her teeth, to move a cup a certain way on a table etc. I found this to be kind of ignorant. These people have real problems, it is not as if they are doing it to entertain others. I hope that these students do not really want to be psychologists. Insensitive.
-Along with my theme of mental disorders, I think everyone is a little obsessive compulsive. For example, I have this need to doodle in the top left corner of every single page I take notes in. It tends to be the same design, but I mix it up everyone once in awhile. However, if I don't do this, I don't think anything bad will happen. So it can't be OCD. Sane.

Ok...enough...must go back to studying for the exam.


jessicarae said...

Are you in that abnormal psychology class?

Anonymous said...

Very clever writing and technique!

Holland said...

I am in abnormal psych.