
Happy Daylights Saving Time!!!

Whoa, I forgot how much I like Halloween in Madison. It is just so much fun. From the annoying drunks on the street to waiting up all night for visitors that never come. Yeah, going home at 11:30 is ideal though, it helps me to miss out on the riots on state street, that occurred once again this year. Way to go Madison, you make me proud. Oh, but wait, it is those darn out-of-towners right? Those who come in by the hundreds just to make some ruckus and be part of history. Seriously though, what is the fun? Not finding parking? Getting sprayed with pepper spray? Or getting molested/harassed by a drunken passerby? Can you tell how happy I am?

Oh and if you are ever really happy with someone at the bars, just spill beer all over them and say, "Whoops, I spilled my beer." Then run out before the bastard has a chance of hitting you, because he will.


Why do the good die young?

It just doesn't seem fair that a life can end at 21 years (or younger). Who would take a life before it even got a chance to get started? RIP JP


Three new posts in a row!!!

Right now there is a girl in the computer lab talking loudly on her cellphone. It is annoying.
I have found that I am becoming more of a nerd than I already am. My comparative literature class is about Comics, specifically about history in narrative form. I went into this thinking it would be boring and easy. Granted the reading can be done much faster than a novel, but it is by no means easy or boring. I am finding it difficult to interpret the words with the images and finding out the significance. Normally if people find things to be difficult, they do not like the subject. However, I am becoming fascinated by these books. I am actually ordering the sequels online to read in my spare time. Yes, I am becoming a true nerd.

I am good at stuff

After my lecture today I was making my way to the library to finish my midterm exam for my next class. The way I was taking was on an incline (and I have weak ankles) so I tripped over my own feet and landed on my ass. Luckily for me this was right in between class periods, so I was surrounded by people. I even stayed on the ground for a few seconds out of embarrassment. Once I got up the guy behind me asked me if I was ok. I got up and said yes and walked away quickly. If I saw this happen, I am not going to lie, I would be laughing. Granted it would be a muffled laugh because I would try to hide it. I did not hear anyone laughing but I knew they were on the inside. I should get ankle supports so I do not do this crap any more.

Ashlee Simpson is good at stuff, and Jude Law is pretty

I watched a little big of Saturday Night Live this past weekend. Jude Law was the host. His monologue was probably the funniest contribution he made to the show, besides his Nicky Hilton impersonation. In his monologue, he sang a song about he is the most beautiful man in the world. Not really funny, because he is and this should be taken seriously.
But anyway, the funniest thing that happened on the show, actually occurred when I apparently was not watching. This is what I read about it later: Ashlee Simpson, the musical guest, was preparing for her second performance when music AND VOCALS that were pre-recorded, starting playing the song she sang for her first performance. She was lip synching. Out of embarrassment, she did a weird dance and walked off the stage, while the band continued to play the song. At the end of the show when it was time to say goodbye, she blamed her band for playing the wrong song. What a whore. Maybe you should have thought about singing yourself, or maybe you suck live, Ashlee...hmmm yeah I am thinking that is it. I thought it was weird that her first performance sounded exactly like the song on the radio, no indication that she was singing live.


Nelly and Tim McGraw??? Shania Twain and Mark McGrath???

I don't know if the spelling is right for the names, because frankly I don't really care for any of those artists. Anyway, apparently these pairings have made singles/songs together. I don't know if Nelly wants to soften his image or if Tim McGraw is trying to hit the pop circuit. I don't even really know if they truly worked together or if Nelly sampled a song from Tim McGraw. It just seems wrong on many levels. However there might be a trend in the Big Brother Media, to push country into the masses. "Hey look at how cool country is...Nelly and that guy from Sugar Ray are working with country's top artist...Country must be super cool. You will love country now, just like you learned to love Britney Spears." If this is true, they failed in one area. Mark McGrath is no longer cool in the music industry. A word of advice: if you are trying to get country to be cool, don't use him.


"Uhh -- I hear there's rumors on the, uhh, Internets that we're gonna have a -- draft. We're not going to have a draft. Period."

Like you need any help on who said that quote (if you do it was George W. Bush during one of the presidential campaigns). I am going to get just a tad political here. Excuse me it does not happen often.

Republicans are fanatically in love with:
1. Their money
2. Jesus
3. Their guns

I was reading this article for my Women's Studies and it described Rush Limbaugh as a red, white and blue conservative (red necked, white skinned and blue collared). Very clever.


Who let the crazies out?

I am really disappointed in the lack of blogging. Remember that time I blogged daily? Good times. I have nothing good to say because my life is boring.

When I was out and about with Rianna and Perry on Sunday afternoon, I believe that there was something bizarre happening on State Street and the Union. It must of have been a field trip day for some mental institute. I do not mean to insult anyone with any mental diseases but just listen to the weirdness. First there was a guy that was shouting at people sitting down as he passed them. This of course was done in between the conversation with himself. Next there was a bald woman with a flannel shirt and (what seemed at first to be) pantless. We found out later she was not pantless, she was just wearing shorts that were shorter than her underwear. Then there were people that were marching around in the rathskeller wearing masks, for no apparent reason at all. Yes, it was a weird ass day.


The Fastest Contact Put-er In-er for the First Time in the Midwest

I finally got contact lenses, which many people told me that I shouldn't because I look better with glasses on my face. It is almost as if they are telling me to mask my ugliness with glasses. Whatever man, now I don't have to worry about the embarrassment of hitting my own glasses off of my face. Anyway the doctor told me that I put my contact in very quickly, probably the fastest she has ever seen. I was in and out of there in less than 30 minutes. I was born to wear contacts.

One more thing...I always feel bad because there are many multi-racial people that talk about hating to hear "What are you?" I sympathize...Really I do. But does it make me a bad person to actually like it when people say it to me (of course when they mean it race-wise). I am never asked because people just automatically assume that I am only white. I like it when people can tell that I am something besides just white. I know it doesn't make sense. I barely understand it.


I want my two dollars!!!(ok so it was really five)

Do you ever look at bad things that happened to you in the past, that you forgot about, and just rethinking about them make you upset all over again? So, out of the blue, for no reason at all, I remembered this story from when I was a kid:

It was second grade around Christmas time. Every school my school set up this little "store" where you could buy really cheap things for your family. If memory serves me correctly, my mom gave me five dollars to spend. I kept it in a wallet in my backpack in the coat room. When it was time to go to the store, I found that I only have a wallet full of pennies!!! Someone had stolen my money. I reported this to the teacher, but it was too late. I still bought stuff but it was not high quality stuff (like I could really buy high quality stuff at this place but you get the idea). My teacher found out later who it was and we all had a meeting together where the girl apologized but was not really punished.

MAN!!! That still pisses me off. Maybe it was karma giving me an advanced payment for making that boy cry in fourth grade...hmmm.

I wonder if my mom even remembers this story, or if I told her. Memories are so blurry.