
Soulpancake Post #3 - How do you keep yourself in check?

From the Virtues and Vices section:

"Which of your flaws most bothers you?" - My hesitation and sometimes outright resistance to ask for help or company. I need to know how to balance my desire for independence and the human instinct to be part of a group.
"How are you a hypocrite?" - I am always the person that encourages people to "Stop giving any fucks" but every once in a while I find myself caring what others think about me and/or my actions.
"What's one thing you're glad you didn't do?" - As much as it might pain my family to read/hear this, moving back to my hometown after I graduated college. I think it took me truly living by myself to develop my own person, the person that I am today.

"How do you keep yourself in check?" - I keep myself surrounded by people that know me best. They are usually the ones that remind me of the person that I was and am. If I am completing relying on myself, then I always take a moment for self-reflection before I speak or act. Rarely do I do something without it being filtered first.

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