
Soulpancake Post #2 - What Can You Do To Make This World A Little Less Screwed Up?

From the Life, Death and Living section:

"Who has made your life a little less screwed up?" - My parents. They raised me with a sense of security, to have a level head, focus and drive. They have pretty different personalities and I like to think I have taken the best of both of them. With all of those factors combined I was able to not be distracted by bad influences.
"Should community service be mandatory?" - No. When people are forced to do things, they do not give their 100% effort nor do they bring positive energy. The best community service performance comes from individuals that put all of the heart in their work. Positive energy begets positive outcomes.
"When it comes to volunteer work what stops you from stepping up?" - Time. Work commitments and setting time aside to keep my mind/body/spirit happy leave me with little time to better my community. Even writing it down now makes me feel selfish. Blerg!

What can you do to make this world a little less screwed up? - Be nice, be patient, be understanding, listen and accept others for who they are.

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