
Holy Mark Ruffalo was that man good looking!

So the only knowledge that I have of Chris Sarandon is that he was once married to Susan Sarandon and he is the bad guy from The Princess Bride. 
As a child watching Princess Bride, I never though much about Prince Humperdinck as far as the looks department go. I mean he was the bad guy! And he had to compete with dreamboat Westley/Cary Elwes! And I was a child and hadn't even began to start forming my personal taste in the opposite sex.

Not too long ago, I watched Dog Day Afternoon for the first time ever. (I thought it was excellent by the way). I knew Chris Sarandon was in it, as the main character's lover, but I had no idea what he would look like. I was stunned to see that I actually thought he was quite handsome, or as handsome as a guy can be playing a disheveled individual that was just released from a mental institution.

Automatically I knew why I found him attractive. He looked like Mark Ruffalo! Apparently I was not the first person to make the connection. From the lovely people at "Totally Looks Like:"

I'm pretty sure Mark Ruffalo is perfect. Please watch all his shirtless scenes in The Kids are Alright and disagree with me.  Just try and do it! I mean...he's from Wisconsin....

So in conclusion, young Chris Sarandon was one good looking dude.


Anonymous said...

I thought Chris Sarandon was good-looking, way before he was in "The Princess Bride". I always thought Susan Sarandon married up....but then she got famous and it became the opposite.

Anonymous said...

I just saw childs play now.. And first thing I searched about is"cris sarandon and Mark ruffalo" ... And I too have this great crush on hulk... And I have watched Princess bride last month for the first time...but that time I wasn't even fascinated by Mr. Sarandon... But now, after watching childs play, I seriously got this crush on him....... I think it's probably Bcz i have this thing for ruffalo.......

Unknown said...

Acredite, pensei uma epoca que seriam a mesma pessoa...

Anonymous said...

Both crushers and talented

Anonymous said...

Chris Sarandon is very handsome in Fright Night- when in human form, anyway!