
Remember that time my sister was (and still is) a big pants-on-fire-liar?

Almost every woman (and man, even if he doesn't want to admit it) within my age range has the same feeling about Alanis Morrisette's Jagged Little Pill. That is a feeling of utter love and devotion. And if these individuals don't have that feeling for the album, then they are just kidding themselves. No one is that too-cool-for-school. I am proud to say that it was the first CD that I owned....or was it?

My memory: My aunt Carol, who was also a huge fan of the album, bought me the album for my 13th birthday.

My sister's memory: Basically the same. Except she was the gift recipient, for her 14th birthday.

The differing stories came out when my sister and I were splitting the CDs when she moved out for college. She took the CD and claimed it was hers. I disagreed (I still have it by the way, so I think I won this argument). However, she sticks to her story to this day when the topic is brought up.

My sister and I lived together for a few years during college...I marked all of my CDs with nail polish....

Now, to quickly touch upon why this album impacted me so much at 13. Songs about getting your heart broken...about that bastard that used you and then left you? What would my young little mind know about that?  It was if I was preparing myself for a life of disappointment by listening to that album. Thank you Alanis for preparing me.

And yes, for those of you that noticed it and are still thinking about it, it did take me until 1995 to have a CD player. Get over it!

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