
Songs that trigger randomly weird memories

Recently I was going through my music and came upon an old song that I once downloaded for my sister's house parties (she wanted dance music). This song was Brandy's "What About Us?"  For those of you that might need a refresher click here to listen. Obviously because I downloaded it for one purpose only, I hardly ever listened to it again.

However, listening to this song at that moment, I was struck with a memory of one particular house party during college. It was at the same place I was always at my freshman year: a basement of an apartment across the street from Camp Randall. My sister and her friends knew the guys that lived there, so I had an "in" and didn't have to pay for a cup and the guys always seemed to have an eye out for me. It was always good times.

Anyway, one particular night at one of these house parties, when I was feeling a little bit saucy (please see definitions 1-4 on Urban Dictionary), I found a guy on the dance floor and started dancing with him. While we were dancing, I managed to lead him in a stealthy-sheepherder style into the closet where everyone kept their coats and proceeded to make out with this young fellow. I want to point out that I did not know the guy's name. To this day I cannot tell you much about what he looked like other than he was white and taller than me. And I only recall this because I was on my tiptoes while kissing him. The fact that he wasn't leaning down to reciprocate did not mean nothing to me!

Then, after no more than 10 seconds into the make out session, I just stopped kissing him and walked away without saying anything. Like I was bored and over it. The entire minute that this was happening, Brandy's "What About Us?" was playing. Needless to say, I made it back to my dorm room safe and alone. Probably for the best.

I don't know why the memory sticks out. Probably because I am actually quite prudish and I can recall, for the most part, all the people I have made out with in my life, even if they were barely make outs. Also, this particular event was so unlike me, because I initiated it. Usually I wait for situations to present themselves to me like a puppy laying on my lap and demanding its belly to be rubbed. I was very un-Holland-like aggressive.

I feel bad for the guy. I mean he missed the opportunity for a proper make out with this:
He probably questions his own existence or what is there left to do in life after knowing the sweet kiss of all that hotness. Yeah, that is totally what he is doing. I ruined his life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a cutie!