
I Practice My Flirting Skillzzzz with the TSA Agents

After my initial flight to Philadelphia got canceled and waiting four hours for my rescheduled flight, I decided that instead of being crabby I was going to think positive and keep a smile on my face. I was keeping the smile on my face as I was approaching the middle-to-older-aged TSA agent at the security check point. I handed him my boarding pass and ID. The following conversation went a little something like this:

TSA Agent: Now let me see here...(holds up photo id so its near my face). That can't be the same person. That's a pretty smiling face in front of me, and that face in the id is so stern.
Me: That's because the meanies at the DMV told me not to smile.
TSA Agent: I don't blame you. Who could smile there? Its built for anger.
Me: I know, right? You make me smile though!
TSA Agent: Aw! Have a nice day! (hands me my id and ticket)
Me: You too. (winks)

Yes, I winked! It just came out of me, and I couldn't help myself.

This is now the second TSA agent that has made my day in a span of less than a year! (The first TSA Agent told me I was easy on the eyes). So this makes me want to draw one of two possible conclusions:

1. TSA Agents are trained to compliment frazzled looking women.
2. Older men that work at airports just have a thing for me.

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