
Mom Quote Win

Three Background Pieces of Information (for those that don't already know):
  • My Dad is white
  • My Mom is American Indian/Native American/Indigenous/Menominee/Fill-in-the-blank-that-makes-you-happiest
  • My family is not shy about talking about social/political issues. Even when we know that we agree with the other person's stance, we still love to play devil's advocate and argue. The in-laws are still getting used to holiday gatherings full of heated debates
The last time I was home, my brother and I started to engage my father in a discussion about White Privilege and innate prejudice. My dad, rightfully so, thinks of himself as a progressive open minded individual. So he started to feel guilty and down in the dumps at the thought of being even slightly privileged or prejudiced. Trying to cheer up my father I tried once again to reassure my father that everyone has prejudiced thoughts, even those that claim that they can't because "they have black/gay/etc friends." My mom then chimed in with,

"It's okay honey. I know you married me because you loved me and not to prove you're not racist." Oh Mom!

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