
Another Success Interaction with a Man!

As the weather gets colder, the bus ride home gets more crowded. Usually I end up standing in the aisle because every single seat is taken. I'm not one of those people that is shy about sitting next to a stranger, so I will sit next to anyone, even if it looks like my behind won't fit in the seat...even if it looks like that person will be smelly...I will at least try.

Today as I walked onto the bus I looked around and saw one open seat. I walked over to it only to realize that the guy that was sitting next to the empty seat had his backpack on it. I stood there for a little while, thinking he would have the common courtesy to move his bag on his lap. Then he looked at me. I smiled. He just looked away and didn't move his bag.

Defeated, I moved to stand near the back doors. Apparently my hobo-chic was not cute enough for him. But don't worry, I gave him the evil eye the entire ride home. Jerkface.

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