
Who totally just lost their job?

Oh yeah, that would be me. I guess the bright side of this was that I wasn't fired, I was "let go" due to budgeting constraints. They actually wanted to keep me on. This is the first time I am acutally job hunting. Before this I was either in college, or working with Public Allies (which I kind of lucked into)and then was hired on to the organization I was placed at. I have been lucky so far.

I'm trying really hard to be positive while in this whole mess. Like I said, I haven't had a period where I wasn't employed or in school. Coming out of this job, I have great references and experience (which may be a negative in that I may be "over qualified" for positions I want to get.

The negatives, I have zero cushion money so getting a job is necessary almost immediately. If I don't get a full time job, I may have to resort to moving back to Sheboygan after my lease ends (I love my family but...PLEASE GOD NO!!!). At the present time, my car is acting up, and my tire has a buldge and looks ready to explode. Its like one bad thing happens after the next. (The optimist in me says, at least they are not life-ending tragedies). So at this time, I am looking through job posting with my blurred-tear-soaked eyes.

An inside: As I wrote this there was breaking news about a plane crash into Lake Michigan with a high likelihood of 6 fatalities, further proof that I should quit my whining and count my blessings.

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