

I really like random questions. If I ever became famous, and I had to do interviews, I would love it when interviewers would ask "off the wall" questions. While browsing around YouTube, I found this woman named Juliana Luecking who is doing a project called, "People are a Trip." Basically, she asks people a question and then records their answers. Some answers are silly, some are bizarre, some are way deep. This is what I would say, to a select group of her questions:

"What is your favorite part of the day?"

The moment right before you fall asleep. You can almost feel yourself relax, and forget about the stress of the day. It's a very comforting feeling.

"What is one thing you know is true?"

That, right at this very moment, there is someone that is thinking of me.

"If you were in charge of the country, what would you do?"

Universal health care, equal opportunities (especially for education and work) for everyone, increased sexual education and STD and HIV/Aids awareness prevention, allowing the people to have more of say in the running of their country etc. etc. etc.

"Why do nations go to war?"

Misunderstandings and lack of discourse

"What is marriage?"

Ideally: a union between two committed individuals to show their love and devotion to one another
Realistically: governmental contract (between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN) that allows for some financial benefits that will most likely eventually lead to divorce.

"What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

The answer is always changing but right now, it is this:

"What would you change in the world?"

I would make everyone be accepting of everyone's appearance, beliefs, thoughts and loves. Put in other words, I would rid the world of ignorance and close minded thinking.

"What kind of music do you like?"

The booty shaking kind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cat is cute.
