This is where I will talk about my general love of people. All people can be loved by me, I do not discriminate. Did I mention that I am one Sarcastic Bee?
My niece looks like...
But I have also realized that she looks like Mac from Mac and Me:
So does that mean?:
I can see it.
How did I never see this article before?
This list is some funny stuff. I really like the author's explanations on song choices. I wish I could be creative enough to come up with this kind of stuff.
The number one choice being "Won't Get Fooled Again" is hilarious to me. I always took it as a song that was anti-leader because all structures (liberal AND conservatives) are corrupt. In reality, the song is fatalistic. Anyone in power, is bound to be corrupt.
Other hilarious additions:
"Sweet Home Alabama," A song promoting Wallace, can be all yours.
"Wouldn't It Be Nice,"
"Janie's Got a Gun,"
Creed? Ew.
And where oh where is the Toby Keith song about putting a boot in someone or other's buttocks?
Seriously, just read the article for an example of poor journalism. I seriously wish I found this earlier.
"How you doing sweetheart?"
However, there is one person (outside friends and family) that I allow to call me sweetheart. That is "J", a tenant at my workplace. He is a young man with cognitive disabilities. Very sweet. He is one of a few tenants that automatically says hello and starts conversations with me, without getting accusatory or defensive. Yesterday he made my already good day. Here was our short conversation:
*Me walking towards my car. "J" and his mother walking to their apartment.*
J spots me: How you doing sweetheart?
Me: Good. How about you?
J: Good...You look real pretty today.
Me stopping: Aw. Thanks a lot.
I always need positive reinforcement, especially when it comes to my looks. The day was even made better, as when I got home I got my first call back for a job interview. Holler! Its always the "little" things that make me happy/excited.
A Bush Veto? You don't say!
Speaking of the lame duck, some people have made their own music video for Nine Inch Nail's Capital G, using images of Dubya. Trent Reznor has gone on record saying that the subject about the song is actually greed. It could be applied to the president, but that wasn't the intent. Greed and the president seem to go hand in hand, so same difference.
Well I used to stand for something
Now I'm on my hands and knees
Traded in my god for this war
He signs his name with a capital G
How I Feel About My Current Job/Money Situation
Technician: It will cost a hundred and fifty dollars to have our technicians look at it.
Girl with computer problem: A hundred and fifty dollars?! No way. I'd rather spend that on alcohol.
--Apple Store Genius Bar
Overheard by: becca
via Overheard in New York, Jun 18, 2007
I was talking to a friend about that. I believe my exact words were, "I know this sounds horrible, but I am kind of pissed that I won't be having extra beer money."
But in all seriousness, today I am feeling really positive. I mean, I haven't gotten any returned phone calls or emails, but I'm in a good mood today. Like, I almost feel something good is coming my way. (As my mom told me, "You should buy a lottery ticket, with all the bad luck you have been having lately, something good is bound to happen.") People in my life and around me have been very upbeat and positive (not only about their own lives and situations but about mine as well---which is the most important part!!!) for the most part anyway. Maybe I am more of an extrovert than I first initially thought. Other people's energy and mood totally does effect my mood and energy.
Or maybe its because I heard Modest Mouse's Float On this morning, and I thought, "You know what, Isaac? I WILL Float On! Thanks for reminding me with you lispy song."
Or maybe its just the weather. The humidity has dropped a lot. It doesn't feel like I am walking through a sauna and its sunny, and not raining. Yes, its a good day!
Random Movie of the 80's that I think I remember liking
Big Business starring Lily Tomlin and Bette Midler. The two lead actors play a set of twins mismatched at birth who run into each other during a business deal having to do with the rural/poor set of twins' hometown. Hilarity ensues.
The last time I watched this movie was probably in the 80's, but I remember liking it. Granted, I was no more than 8 at the time, but still. How can one go wrong with Bette Midler as an actress? Maybe its just my inner gay man speaking, but...Ruthless People? Yes. Outrageous Fortune? Uh huh. Hocus Pocus? Yup. And Beaches may have made me cry...but I'm not fully admitting that.
Whoa! What?
Whatever Happened to Marueen Flannigan?
You know, the girl that played Evie on "Out of this World." Well apparently, she is still acting on a bunch of shows. You know, those shows that every working actor in Hollywood is on. Oh well, at least she's doing something.
"Out of this World," was one of my favorite shows. I really don't know why it was, take a look at the plot description from wikipedia:
The series revolves around Evie Garland, a young girl living in Marlowe, California, who discovers on her thirteenth birthday that her father isn't a secret agent, as her mother had always told her. In fact, her father is an alien named Troy, from the planet Anterias, who married her mother and "merged lifeforms" to create Evie. Evie's half-alien heritage allows her to use supernatural abilities, which her father can give and take away at will. Most of the episodes revolve around Evie misusing her powers and causing some trouble, which she spends the rest of the show trying to fix.
Weird ass shows ruled the 80's. I mean: ALF, Harry and the Hendersons (ok, this was early 90's), Small Wonder, Growing Pains. Ah, I miss quality programming.
"What is your favorite part of the day?"
The moment right before you fall asleep. You can almost feel yourself relax, and forget about the stress of the day. It's a very comforting feeling.
"What is one thing you know is true?"
That, right at this very moment, there is someone that is thinking of me.
"If you were in charge of the country, what would you do?"
Universal health care, equal opportunities (especially for education and work) for everyone, increased sexual education and STD and HIV/Aids awareness prevention, allowing the people to have more of say in the running of their country etc. etc. etc.
"Why do nations go to war?"
Misunderstandings and lack of discourse
"What is marriage?"
Ideally: a union between two committed individuals to show their love and devotion to one another
Realistically: governmental contract (between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN) that allows for some financial benefits that will most likely eventually lead to divorce.
"What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"
The answer is always changing but right now, it is this:
"What would you change in the world?"
I would make everyone be accepting of everyone's appearance, beliefs, thoughts and loves. Put in other words, I would rid the world of ignorance and close minded thinking.
"What kind of music do you like?"
The booty shaking kind.
Somewhere out there, there is someone weird like me
Man: Styrofoam... Just thinking of it sends chills up and down my spine. Man, I hate that stuff.
Overheard by: aaron
via Overheard Everywhere, Apr 15, 2007
I know how that man feels. I really like that website, and the other ones included in the header (Overheard in New York, Overheard at the Beach, Overheard in the office). It reminds me of stupid conversations I have had with my friends, which is overheard by someone standing by, would be totally misconstrued and/or thought of as nuts.
I found this through a link of a web page my friend sent me. That website is also awesome, probably because I love passive aggression. I think it is funny, and I unfortunately am guilty of it on more than one occasion.
Other links from that website:
Ban Comic Sans - I don't get the hate of the use of Comic Sans, but then again, I am not a tech geek.
My Crazy Roommate - I don't know, he sounds kind of randomly funny to me. Uh, I think I know too many people that are like that.
I'm just trying to find ways to distract myself from work and the job hunt, as when I do any other the latter, I tense up and feel like I'm about to have a panic attack. That's when I call the Mom, and she reassures me that everything will work out and that this is not the end of the world. I wish I could clone and shrink my mom, then I could carry around on my shoulder as that little voice that always tells me how good I am.
So far I have sent in a resume and cover letter for one position and filled out an online application for another. I don't feel to confident about either one, but as one of my former advisers recently told me in an email, take on the philosophy of, "High hopes, low expectations!" He, and so many other family and friends have been very encouraging. I'm really lucky to have so many people in my cheering section.
Girl Crush: Piper Weiss
Who totally just lost their job?
I'm trying really hard to be positive while in this whole mess. Like I said, I haven't had a period where I wasn't employed or in school. Coming out of this job, I have great references and experience (which may be a negative in that I may be "over qualified" for positions I want to get.
The negatives, I have zero cushion money so getting a job is necessary almost immediately. If I don't get a full time job, I may have to resort to moving back to Sheboygan after my lease ends (I love my family but...PLEASE GOD NO!!!). At the present time, my car is acting up, and my tire has a buldge and looks ready to explode. Its like one bad thing happens after the next. (The optimist in me says, at least they are not life-ending tragedies). So at this time, I am looking through job posting with my blurred-tear-soaked eyes.
An inside: As I wrote this there was breaking news about a plane crash into Lake Michigan with a high likelihood of 6 fatalities, further proof that I should quit my whining and count my blessings.
Why do the Japanese rule at everything?
Recently I have been introduced to many new things that have come from Japan. This commercial is one of them. I love that they have no qualms about the promotion of childhood beer drinking. It only would have been more awesome if one of the kids was doing a beer bong.
Other Japanese imports I was introduced to: Wild Zero (Michael, if you are reading this, you must watch this movie) and Ninja Warrior.
Now that I think about it, I know the answer to my question. The Japanese rule because they know how to do cheesy.