
I am just saving my energy for spring

Hibernation response: overeating (especially carbs), weight gain, fatigue, and hypersomnia (oversleeping)

I saw this video on welfare reform in my social work class which also made me want to cry. First they should this 17 year old girl pregnant with her second child who wants to leave high school to move to another city with her boyfriend and his family. When asked what she and her boyfriend are going to do once they finish high school, because she was almost done, she responded that she didn't know what she was going to do and her boyfriend still had more high school to finish. He is 14 years old!!! Yikes... So she couldn't get welfare because 1. she was a minor and 2. it was her second child (child exclusion act). The second thing that made me want to cry was seeing this woman going to the food pantry and returning home to her 4 children who were tearing open the boxes, bags of food and the mom was yelling at them because they needed to ration the food. I am so glad that I was always a well fed kid.

If I could be anything in the world, and had the ability to do anything, there is no doubt in my mind that I would be a rock star.

1 comment:

James Gallagher said...

Interesting. Especially interesting is the rock star comment which seems like it is perhaps a random thought in order to distract us from the distasteful. Or, to give you more credit: Perhaps your fictitious success would be used to raise funds for the poor. You could do benefit concerts. Anyway, I like your style -- very good writing, although I could do with a few less cuss words.