
If my family is a bunch of dorks (which they are) I am the queen of the dorks

When I was back home for Thanksgiving, I was watching an episode of Friends in which they were challenging each other to see who could name all the states. I thought this easy, since I know the state song, I can name all of them. It would be more of a challenge to name all the state capitals. So I challenged myself to naming them all. I got my pen and paper out, wrote down all the states and began. Harder than I thought. My mom asked me what I was doing. I told her and she started helping me out and even got out this USA puzzle map we have that names all the capitals for the answers when I was done. I got about 27 out of 50.

Later on in Madison, when my family was visiting, I told my sister what I did during Thanksgiving. Being a very competitive family, she wanted to she if she could beat me. So while she was writing down her answers, my dad was trying to help her. I believe she did worse than I did. But my point is that my family, me especially, finds weird things to do and actually has fun doing it.

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