
Chronic mastication

I had this dream on Christmas Eve night and this is how it went: I was sleeping in my bed in Madison, total strangers came charging in, ripping the comforter off of me. The were checking my body up and down and accused me of constantly pleasuring myself (uhhhh which I totally do). Next they told me that my parents were going to send me to a mental institute for lack of drive because I have yet to decide what I am going to do after I graduate. I woke up wanting to cry because I was so upset. I wonder what people who interpret dreams would have to say about that one.


I can feel it in my throat

I am starting to get a cold. I can always tell because it starts as a scratchy throat, or burning throat where is hurts to swallow. Next comes the runny nose. Then full blown head cold. I am so glad this is happening to me during finals.


Um, yes

I say a tow truck, towing a tow truck. It was weird and made me laugh.


Ok smarty pants, what movies are the following from...

1. It's a party. Who brought the chips?
2. I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
"I want you inside me!"~~" What did you say?"~~" I'll see ya later"
4. California!!!


If my family is a bunch of dorks (which they are) I am the queen of the dorks

When I was back home for Thanksgiving, I was watching an episode of Friends in which they were challenging each other to see who could name all the states. I thought this easy, since I know the state song, I can name all of them. It would be more of a challenge to name all the state capitals. So I challenged myself to naming them all. I got my pen and paper out, wrote down all the states and began. Harder than I thought. My mom asked me what I was doing. I told her and she started helping me out and even got out this USA puzzle map we have that names all the capitals for the answers when I was done. I got about 27 out of 50.

Later on in Madison, when my family was visiting, I told my sister what I did during Thanksgiving. Being a very competitive family, she wanted to she if she could beat me. So while she was writing down her answers, my dad was trying to help her. I believe she did worse than I did. But my point is that my family, me especially, finds weird things to do and actually has fun doing it.


I told you, I blew a fuse when I totaled that electrical tower. I was checking out some daisies.

Ok, what movie is that from?

If I had a weekly syndicated column in newspaper across the US, it would be entitled "Listen to me Piss and Moan." That way more people could have a chance to read it, and they would also be warned to not read it, if they do not want to read me ranting and raving. It would also prevent hate mail, because they shouldn't have read it in the first place if they would get upset, the title should give them fair warning that it might anger them.

Also, CM and I are now determined to finish Megaman 2, any tips to defeat Airman and Fireman would be appreciated. (I can only defeat Metalman and Crashman by myself.)

Update: I meant Heatman, not Firemean and I now can beat Airman. Ouch take that Courtney Mary


Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me.

It really sucks having a birthday right next to finals, it sucks having a birthday that is after your 21st. This birthday was so uneventful. Remember when you were a kid, and everyone magically knew it was your birthday. You would get a big party where all you friends would be. You would get gifts, cake and ice cream. This year my parents came down (granted it was also the weekend of my brother's orchestra concert) and took me out to breakfast and my mom took me out shopping for a birthday gift. My sister eventually said, "Oh yeah, happy birthday." My friend Kim called me and wished me Happy Birthday (she always remembers). And then I went to stuff holiday letters for the donors of my scholarship (which we didn't even end up doing because the letters weren't ready). The girl that is in charge of birthday greetings for all the scholars was there and she wished me happy birthday. Other than that, no one else really acknowledged my birthday. Perhaps it is because I don't go calling it from rooftops "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!" Oh well, I got a new pair of jeans so I am satisfied. Now I will finish my great day by writing a three page paper that is due tomorrow.


If you are innocent, you might want to close your eyes to read this one

For one of my classes, I had to read this article on why "the gays" should not be parents. They use the normal arguments that the children would lose some kind of gender role/figure and grow up all screwed up and stuff. I am sure that there are tons of articles to disprove that theory. The argument that I liked best, that was used in this article, was how if the kids grew up in a household were homosexual relationship were socially acceptable, then they would think homosexual behavior would be ok, and therefore be more likely to partake in that type of behavior (I ALSO DISAGREE WITH THIS, BUT IF IT IS TRUE...WHO CARES?). What is this type of behavior? Well apparently it is: anal sex, oral sex, and S & M stuff. All this stuff has an increased chance of getting HIV/AIDS or physical health problems. Umm, yeah. Last time I heard, these things weren't only for "the gays". I am pretty sure there are some heterosexuals used that stuff as well. Even if that is the case, then heterosexual sex would be seen as unhealthy. I have an easy solution to everyone's problems: CONDOMS and LUBE and keep everything else clean. Once again I apologize for the inappropriateness, but it really angered me.


Cold Showers

I like not having hot water for the entire weekend. Any sane person would not take a shower if the water was nothing but cold, especially if all he/she was doing that weekend was staying in the house and not venturing out. But no, not me. I insist on taking a shower everyday, because I "feel" dirty, probably when I am not. So the result is me under a stream of cold water, yelping from the pain and shivering from the cold. In total I took three cold showers. They said that the are fixing it today, but can you really trust someone that took more than three phone calls to get a hold of.


Some more people I like

I like those people that come into class reeking of smoke, like they just got done smoking. They should do us all a favor and stay outside a minimum of 5 minutes after their cigarettes so they can air out and us non-smokers do not have to suffer. Seriously people, it makes me want to puke when I smell you.

I also like those people that will sit and wait for lecture to start (usually 15 minutes but sometimes longer if their is no lecture/discussion in that room before) and will eat really crunchy food. It seems like there is no food other than food that is crunchy: apples, carrots, pretzels etc. This would be fine if there would be other noise in the room, but if the only noise in the room is 5 people eating their crunchy food, it can be really annoying. But this is the less annoying of the two, just because I have to admit I am sometimes one of these people.


A question to ponder

When you are making two points, which is more important: the "first of all" or the "second of all"?