
July Blog-a-Day Challenge - Post #1: Now That's What I Call a Mugging!

I have been irritating myself with my writing style as of late. At work I am finding that my emails, instructions, conference call minutes, etc. are all sub par. Once upon a time I actually considered myself a good writer whether it be technical or creative. Where did this once-upon-a-time go?

I read somewhere that a good way to practice is to write daily. What better way then to update this darn thing! So, I've challenged myself to write a blog post a day for the entire month of July. Let's see how this goes. My inaugural post will tell the story of my first legitimate mugging.

It occurred less than a week ago around 6 am in the morning (and remember 6 am in late June is day light time in Wisconsin). I typically go to the gym after work but realizing if I worked out in the morning before work, I could get more chores done after work (and by "more chores" I mean relax). This was day 3 of "morning workout." My wardrobe and belongings consisted of gym clothes, flip flops, hair messily braided, purse and gym bag). As I was leaving and locking my front door, I looked down the street and noticed three teenage boys casually walking headed my way. My first initial thought, "What the eff are those boys doing out at 6 o'clock in the morning?" After this fleeting thought I didn't pay them anymore attention.

I started walking toward them but at a slight angle because my car was across the street. Then just as they passed me and were out of my line of vision, I heard them rush me. Before I could turn around, one of them had grabbed my purse which was slung around my shoulder. I was knocked to the ground and dragged along with my purse. As soon as I was aware of what was happening, I started screaming for help and pulling my purse back. There was only one of them that was attempting to take my purse. The second one grabbed my gym bag which had fallen to the ground (and contained my work clothes, gym shoes, towel, blow dryer, make up and other toiletries) and went running with the third one (who didn't have any possessions) down the alley.

When the "purse stealing" teen was finally able to rip the purse off of me, he started running down the alley with his friends. I continued to scream while deciding not to run after him. The funny thing is, when he was about three running strides away from me he turned around and looked at me (letting me get a good look at his face...idiot), and then he looked at my purse. Almost as if he was second guessing himself (or perhaps to see if he had enough time to grab what he needed from the purse and leave me the rest). In the slight moment of confusion, I stopped screaming and just looked at him curiously wondering why he was being so idiotic. As soon as I stopped screaming, the kid just continued running with my purse.

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a few seconds, I finally got up and ran to my apartment door. Luckily I still had my car and apartment keys. I rang the doorbell hoping to get my neighbor to come outside, so I could stay near the scene or the crime. A person rode by on a bike shortly afterward but didn't have a cell phone, and didn't seem interested in helping out anyway. After finding no help outside, I ran upstairs to knock on my neighbors doors. He was able to call the police for me and also comforted me while I waited for them to arrive.

Once the police arrived, I was provided the details, which is way harder than I thought. How can you remember exactly how those boys looked when they essentially just bummed rushed you? I ended up saying, "I'm not sure," more than I care to admit. When they asked if I was injured, I looked down on my body and finally realized that I was indeed scratched and bruised from my fall and tug-of-war. I'm guessing because I was injured, it could be considered an assault, they took pictures. It was around 7:00 am and the police had already on there way to officially file the report.

Needless to say, I took the day off of work and spent the remainder of the day cancelling my credit cards, replacing my driver's license (ugly photo thanks to puffy eyes and no make up, yay!) and reporting my phone as stolen. (Side note: I found out I was due for an phone upgrade which meant could get my phone replaced right away without having to file a claim. Unfortunately because I didn't back up my information, I lost all of my contacts. Oh well, there were a few numbers in there I should of deleted a while ago).

By the time I got back to my apartment, and had my new phone in tow, I had received a phone call from my work. The Human Resources Director had received a call that my purse had been found a few blocks from my apartment and returned to the police department. They had my work number because of business cards left in my purse. When I went to pick up my purse, I found that the cash and my phone were officially taken. The thieves had left my wallet with my credit cards and driver's license. My gym bag remains missing! Oh yeah, and more pictures from the police department of me receiving the items back.

Upon returning from the police department, my landlord called to let me know they captured the mugging on camera (Another side note: due to a years ago shooting of said landlord/downstairs bar owner, the bar was installed with security cameras). The footage was going to be provided to the police. I got to see the footage before that happened. It of course made me cry. After seeing myself being flung to the ground so quickly, I'm surprised I didn't dislocate my shoulder. The entire event took about 10 seconds. Almost two minutes before I left, a few people walked by my apartment (including one of my neighbors), so this really could have happened to a number of people. I was just the "lucky" one. What was even more chilling, was that one of the teens was covering his face while he walked by as if he knew there was cameras. Which if true, means they know the area well and are probably neighbors.

And the following were reactions from everyone in my life - Mom: "When are you moving back to Sheboygan?", Old Boss: "Why didn't you call me?" (how very Mom-like of her), work's Vice President: "You know, there are other areas in Milwaukee to live." Friend: Gave me flowers and pepper spray. Everyone else: Utterance of some variant of a swear.

My reaction: Still shaken, still preferring to be inside all of the time but determined to not let it defeat me or the neighborhood.

In the meantime, I am still waiting for my replacement credit cards and driver's license. I am still running out of my apartment to my car, pepper spray in hand (when I absolutely need to leave) and in general, am extremely happy it wasn't any worse. Also the police officer that was first onsite was adorably cute. A small consolation to a horrific day.

An artist rendering of actual events:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I am glad that you are carrying pepper spray but feel really bad and worried about the need to carry it in your hand while running to your car. Hopefully, your feelings of anxiety will subside...or you should maybe do something more proactive, such as a defense class or victim support thing (if they have that)...or MOVE ?? I would also suggest trying to only be out and about when there are plenty of people around!