
Happy 4th of July Blogzilla!

This will be a fast one, as I am spending the day with my family on this Independence Day. This holiday ranks right up there with Christmas for my family. If I were to miss spending either day with my family, I should have a REALLY good reason for doing so. This day is special because everyone gets together, spends the day in the sun, plays yard games and eats a lot. Let's not forget the parades and fireworks.

Why do a bunch of Natives get together for a holiday that celebrates the independence of white Americans from white Brits? I will never know or understand. Perhaps Natives (or at least my family in particular) will look for any reason to get together and eat ourselves silly.

Usually this day is very cookie-cutter: Get up in the morning - parade - barbeque and games in my parents backyard - fireworks - fire pit in my parents backyard. However to change things up this year, my sister, her sister-in-law and I went down to the beach to watch their favorite local band, Sly Joe and the Smooth Operators play. I even participated in the drum circle as a honorary tambourine player. Look at me being adventurous.

We even brought our own "coffee" to drink, a tactic we learned from our Aunt Carol. Why pay for overpriced festival beer when you can have your own cup-of-"joe" USA! USA!

Happy 4th everyone!

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